"I can't believe you did it," Snow gasps. I frown at her comment.

"I had no other choice,"  I say dismissively.

"But he was-"

"If you finish that sentence I swear to God that I will hurt you," I growl at her.


"There is no such thing as true love!" I yell out in frustration. 

"Pan was your true love?" Felix asks tensely from behind me.

"No," I say the same time Snow says, "yes." I glare at her before turning my attention back to a very tense looking Felix behind me.

"That's how you were able to kill him. You broke his heart," He says in realisation, his jaw clenching at the idea of it. He does like me that way. I have to stop myself from squealing at the fact.

"I'd hate to break this up but we really need to leave before the portal closes and we are stuck here," Regina snaps before rushing out of the cave with the rest of them following behind her. I turn to Felix and just look at him for a moment, opening my mouth to say something but deciding against it. He looks up at me with hard eyes and my heart hurts knowing that I have hurt him.

"You better get going." He snaps, walking over to one of the holes in the rock, looking out at the island before us. I can't do anything other than look at his tense back in guilt. I knew that he would have found out, but I didn't think it would be so soon.

"I didn't love him, Felix," I say quietly, hoping that he heard me.

"But you lied to hurt him! You shouldn't mess with peoples emotions like that, Anna!" he growls, turning so that he is facing me.

"I didn't lie, Felix. That's how I got out of the cage. I really do love you, Felix. Please, you have to believe me," I sob quietly. I have never been one to break down like this, but the thought of Felix hating me is tearing me apart inside and physically hurts me. Felix sighs, walking up to me and pulling me into his chest. His warm embrace helping with the shaking of my body.

"Come home with me, Felix," I whisper once I have managed to calm myself down.

"I don't belong in the real world Anna. I want to stay with you more than you know, but this is where i belong, no matter how much I love you, I need to look after the boys. They need a leader, Anna." I look up into his face to see the sorrow in his eyes.

"I understand, Felix," I mumble. looking back down at the floor. I feel two finger being placed under my chin, pulling my face up. I look into Felix's eyes with tears brimming in mine, blurring my vision slightly. Before I can say anything, Felix places his lips on mine. I am shocked for a matter of seconds before I close my eyes and sink into the feeling of his lips moving rhythmically against mine.

"Come on Anna!" we are pulled away from the blissful moment by the sound of Emma's voice. I turn to look at the entrance, mentally murdering Emma in my head for running our moment. I turn back to Felix seeing him smiling at me warmly but just like before, it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Go Anna. I'll be fine," He reassures me, pushing me toward the exit. I hesitate for a second, but Felix pushes me again, a little more forceful this time.

"Bye Felix." I whisper before running out of the cave. I can't bring myself to look back at him. I know that if I do I will break and probably stay here with him.

"We haven't got a lot of time left Anna!" Emma exclaims before jumping into the portal. I look out at the island that I have made my best memories on and I know I will be able to have better ones.

"Anna!" I look up at the steps to go into the cave to see Felix looking down at me with his smirk firmly in place. "Don't forget me." I smile up at him before shouting back,

"I don't think that would be possible." Before jumping into the portal to carry out my next adventure.

Author P.O.V

In a far off land, in another dimension, a boy lays lifeless on the ground of a cave but if you listen closely, you can hear the beating of a heart, a dark heart that beats for only one girl. The girl that will haunt him for the rest of his life. The boy twitches into consciousness, his eyes open wide.

The Devil has awoken and he will claim what is rightfully his.

The end.

Hey guys. So I know you are all going to kill me for how I have finished this story but you are going to love me when I tell you the awesome news I have locked up in my brain.

There is going to be a sequel! How excited are you for that! I bet you are screaming with happiness. ;) I have a slight problem though, I need a name for the second story and I have no ideas, if you could comment ideas for the title I would really appreciate it.

Anyways let me know what you think of the final chapter and please don't kill me for how I have ended it.

Oh almost forgot, please VOTE!! ;) x  

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