Chapter 19

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 I feel Felix stiffen at my words and Pan physically pales. I have to concentrate really hard not to smirk at his reaction.

"What?" Pan snarls quietly but darkly at me. I look up at him with innocent eyes, but they instantly go wide with fear. Pan's eyes are no longer a light, sparkling emerald green, but a bottomless pit of black. Without really knowing what I am doing I push myself closer to Felix, trying to get as far away from Pan as possible, which makes Felix hold onto me tighter. Does he like me back?

"No! You have betrayed me!" he yells, making me flinch further into Felix at the sudden loudness.

"My loyalty is not, and will never be, yours," I spit at him once I have recovered from the fear that had possessed me moments ago.

"You are mine," He growl possessively.

"No I'm not," I snarl back. "I do not love you, I love Felix," I spit at him. Pan's face contorts into one of pain and he falls to the ground clutching his chest in pain, which effectively makes him let go of Henry.

"Henry. Run. Your family are waiting outside for you." I tell him hurriedly, breaking out of Felix's grasp- well, technically he let me go- and push Henry toward the exit.

"What about you?" he asks worriedly, making my heart hurt.

"I'll be fine, just go." I urge him desperately. He looks at me one final time before rushing out of the cave. I sigh with relief knowing that he is going to be okay now, that he is going to be safe with his family at long last.

"Anna!" I hear my name being gasped our form across the cave. I turn quickly to see Felix up against the cave wall with Pan holding him by his throat.

"Felix!"  I scream, rushing over to him, trying with all my might to get Pan off of him. "Pan! Let him go! You're going to kill him." I yell at him.

"You will be mine Anna Jacques and if that means killing Felix then so be it." He growls slightly animalistic. Kill him. A voice snarls in the back of my mind. I fumble for the dagger that is in my belt before taking a deep breath and driving it through his back and into his heart.

Felix instantly falls to the ground and I rush to his side.

"Are you okay?" I ask him as soon as I have sat him up against the cave wall. I can't believe that I was stupid enough to turn my back on him. I don't know what I would have done if Pan had actually managed kill him.

"I'm fine, but you have to get out of here." He says, pushing me away with sad eyes. Does he actually like me? I really hope that he does.

"What about you?" I ask him worriedly. I know that I am not going to be able to leave here without him. I wouldn't be able to leave him, not now.

"I'll be fine. You killed Pan, Neverland is safe again," He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, willing the tears to go away.

"Come with me." His eyes widen at my proposal before they soften again. He reaches forward and cups my cheeks, his thumb rubbing them comfortingly. I lean into his touch, loving the tingles that it causes.

"This is my home Anna, this is all that I have ever known, this is the only place where I belong," He tells me softly, almost like he is trying to convince himself more than me.

"I don't want to leave without you," I whisper, looking into his eyes, the tears spilling down my cheeks. Felix wipes them away with his thumbs, looking at me with a pained expression.

"Anna come on, we have to go," Emma's voice suddenly rings though the cave. I turn around to see them all staring wide eyed at Pan's limp body on the floor.

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