the villains introduce

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Silver pov

Hello my name is silver the hedgehog call me silver for short I am the leader of darkness which was form with the help of my best friend sonic let me introduce everyone "Bestie~ wake up I made food!" That's my best friend sonic he makes good Chili dog "is it chili dogs?" "Of Course silvy who do you think I am Ames?" He also likes to call people he meet with nicknames "come now silvy the others are waiting~" sonic said before leaving the my room I got up and changed pick up the book and left my room  this book I'm holding is made out of dark magic I have harness the Dark magic from it and now I can dark magic as long as I remember the spells some of my teammates can use dark magic too but I'm more powerful.

after I left my room I was met with a green hedgehog wearing a rip jacket and sunglasses "yo silver I um broke a door again" " really again?" "Well sorry is not my fault the doors are trash!" "will you quit kicking the doors you have hands ya know" "is easier ugh whatever I'm going out for a smoke talk to you later" as he said that he left that's scrouge he really like to kick doors open instead of using he's hands what a idiot as I walk down the stairs.

I was greeted by my other team members "hey boss you sleep well?" A red wolf ask "very well" that's gadget he has a bit of anger problem and he still Can't get the screwdriver he stab into the wall out "hello espio" the chameleon nodded to me "sup boss!" A bee Said that's charmy and espio espio adopted charmy when he was still young they join this team because they needed protection from people who wanted to kill them espio doesn't talk much we place a bell on his tail is useful for communication and fighting two rings for yes one ring for no and charmy his a sweet boy but his candy addiction is worry some.

"hello boss" a pink hedgehog named Amy said "hello" I said as I walked past her she owns a cafe name rose cafe where she makes money for us she's nice she also works as a small spy since her cafe is in the city where the hero's are since our base is in the Forest under a abandoned warehouse
We darkness is not known to the public not even the hero's know us we are doing our plans undercover and secret we don't want any silly hero's come and stop us we are nothing like that stupid eggman I went to another where I heard some noise "hello boss" a two tail yellow fox said this is tails he's like sonics little brother so he's like my Little Brother too his the mechanic of the team "hello tails do you know where kunkcles is?" "Oh yeah his on angel island protecting the master emarld making sure no one will take our master emarld" "good btw breakfast is ready" "oooh ok I'll be there!" I left the room and went to the kitchen there I see sonic and his two siblings sonic and pink hedgehog to has good gymnastics skill manic another green hedgehog he has stealing skill and is dating scrouge but apparently there looking for a third in there relationship idk what that means and that's it this is darkness the villains the best team now if you don't mind I'm hungry good bye.

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