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"Iwaizumi Hajime?"

No response, he was focused solely on the girl sitting in her seat across the way. Her hair was let out of the braids he once knew as it fell in messy but still chic curls. The girl also perked up at his name, her e/c eyes scanning the room for his figure.

"Iwaizumi Hajime?"

Her eyes soon met his, and they stayed that way just staring into each other in shock yet relief. She giggled at him and all he could do was smile back.

"No Iwaizumi?"

She quickly pointed to the front of the room where the teacher stood, about to mark him absent on his first day.

"H-Here! Sorry." He mumbled the apology, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. Glancing back at Y/N, she chuckled, using her hand to keep it quiet.

The professor conducted the class and got started with the syllabus. "The first assignment is the analysis of old Constantinople. You will be paired up and give a presentation to the class about your findings. Please check your email for your partner assignments. Thank you."

Fastest class Iwaizumi had ever attended. So this is what school in America is like... He was dazed until he was spooked by a hand tapping his shoulder. He jumped in his seat, whipping towards the person who tried to get his attention. Y/N stood before him with a big smile on her face, him taking in the way her nose slightly scrunched.

"Hiya stranger! Funny seeing you here!" She beamed as he hoisted himself up. They started walking out of the room together, chatting all about fate and destiny. How they managed to reunite, we'll never know.

"I didn't know you also attended Birtwistle University! Small world." Y/N said as they stopped by the vending machines. Iwaizumi hadn't spoken much in the last few minutes, the shock of the whole thing making him tongue-tied. "Well, you never asked." He replied slyly as his drink fell, bending down to grab it. "It must've slipped my mind." She concluded with a shrug, "So, are you also an art major?"

Iwaizumi chuckled to himself, "Nope. Art isn't my thing." He sipped his drink as she studied him with her e/c eyes. Her face was nonchalant with a hint of annoyance like she'd heard that statement too many times. "Well, that's too bad then..."

"...I thought we were going to get dinner and mindlessly talk about Da Vinci."

He chuckled and couldn't help but get wrapped up in her intoxicating way with words. "I don't know much about Da Vinci, but I'm always down to get dinner." She smiled and clapped her hands together, "Yes! I was hoping you'd say that."

Iwaizumi slung his arm around her shoulders and they walked back to her dorm, chatting each other's ears off when his phone pinged; an email from their professor. "Oh, I got my partner assignment." They both stopped to check what the message said. 

His eyes lit up and when he went to meet her gaze he saw she was already smiling up at him. "We're partners!" She squealed and jumped into his arms, throwing her arms around his neck and straddling his waist. "Mark my words Iwaizumi Hajime, I am going to make you love old Constantinople."


A couple of days had passed and Iwaizumi was exhausted. Y/N had been dragging him to all kinds of different restaurants, scenic views, and historical buildings to make him feel more comfortable in California. Even when he insisted it was fine, she didn't feel it was right to leave him alone in what she considered a "wonderfully terrifying" town. 

He was laying relaxed on the couch, scrolling through his phone, when he saw he got a text from Y/N almost 10 minutes ago. 

'I'll be over in 10! Can't wait :)'

How could he have forgotten?! While they were walking around campus last night, he suggested to her that she should come over to his dorm so they could get started on the project. But he got home so late that all he could do was plop into bed!! 

"Luke! Jamie! Tyler! One of my classmates is coming over soon!" He jumped in a panic and started cleaning the whole apartment.

The three dudes poked their heads out of the doorway and gave Iwaizumi a puzzled look. "Bro, you've got a chick coming over?" Tyler teased.

Iwa's face flushed red as he frantically scrubbed dishes in the sink. "What? No! She's not some chick, she's just a friend from my Medieval Arts class- and she's really cool and I can't blow it so help me PLEASE!" The boys got to work but it wasn't long until they heard a knock at the door.  


"Crap..." Jamie muttered as he corralled the others back into their rooms. "Good luck." He showed a sympathetic smile as Iwaizumi headed to the door, undid the chain, and revealed Y/N standing there, a pile of books in hand.

"Hi." She smiled.

"Hi." He opened the door further so she could step inside. Her eyes danced around the room trying to take everything in. She's beautiful.

"You have such a cute dorm!" Y/N cooed, taking a seat on the couch and scattering her books on the coffee table. Iwaizumi blushed as he took a seat next to her. "Thanks, uh guys?" He called out and the three roommates walked into the living room. They waved shyly and Y/N waved too.

"These are my roommates, Jamie, Tyler, and Luke." Each of them came up and shook her hand which she seemed to really appreciate. "It's nice to meet you! Your dorm is adorable." Blush spread on every one of their faces and they politely nodded and quickly said goodbye before turning back to their rooms. 

"They seem nice." Y/N smiled. "They are." He reassured. 

Cracking open a textbook, Y/N showed Iwaizumi some illustrations of old Constantinople. "So the dome of the building is made completely out of gold! Some architects and artists call it the "dome dore", even though that's French and the structure is located in Istanbul." She rolled her eyes at the trivial matter, but Iwaizumi wasn't listening at that moment. His eyes were transfixed on the building and the way the dome shone even on the page. "Pretty..." He mumbled to himself. 

Y/N stopped her rambling for a second and looked at him with wide eyes, "If you think that's pretty, wait til you see the inside!" She flipped to another page and he gasped at the pictures. The dome was covered in golden designs that swirled and spiraled, his heart soared at the sight of it. 

"That's... that's incredible." He spoke softly, trying to process all of his thoughts. 

"I knew you'd love it."

"Tell me more, I'm all ears."

She nodded and continued to discuss the complex characteristics of Constantinople, and Iwaizumi couldn't get enough of it. 


𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 // 𝘪𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘦 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now