"Lee, are you sure?" Rachel questioned. Lee just shrugged his shoulders and kept looking at me, waiting for a response.

As much as I want to, I obviously can't tell Lee who I'm hoping to take to prom or that I've been planning on going for months now, ever since Elle and I started dating. "I have no idea, Lee, I really hadn't thought about it."

"You and Elle had a good time together at Six Flags, right?"

"Yeah, it was a fun day."

"So, would you think about asking Elle to go to prom with you? It would really mean a lot to me. You won't have to be nice to me again for months if you do this."

"You really want me to ask Elle to prom, as a favor to you?"

"Yeah, what do you think? You won't let any other guys date her anyway, so you might as well be the one to take her."

"I don't know, I mean, I suppose I could, if you really want me to."

"Ah man, you are such a good brother. I mean most of the time you're a jerk, but I love you right now man!" Lee jumped up and pulled me into a hug before I pushed him off me.

"I don't have to do all that promposal shit, though, do I?" I wanted to take Elle to prom and I did like to be romantic sometimes and show her that I love her. Mostly because I loved how much Elle loved it and I loved what it usually led to afterwards. But I didn't want to do all that stupid shit the guys at school went through to ask girls to prom.

"Nah, I think you can just ask her." Lee clapped me on the shoulder when he said, "Actually, she should be here any minute. You could ask her now. Thanks, Noah, I really appreciate you being cool with this." He looked so thankful, I almost felt guilty. Almost.

A few minutes later, we heard Elle let herself in the front door and call out for Lee. I'd love to ask her in front of Lee without her knowing it was him who suggested it, just to see what she would do. But I'd rather not have my girlfriend want to kill me, so instead I head out to meet her before she makes it to the game room, telling Lee and Rachel to give me a minute to ask her. She's surprised to see me coming to meet her and even more surprised when I pull her in for a quick kiss.

Elle fixes my hair that has fallen in front of my eyes asking, "Isn't Lee around? I thought he was here."

"He and Rachel are in the game room."

"Noah!" Elle pushes me away from her, worried that Lee will see us.

"Don't worry, we have a minute. I came out to ask you a question." Elle eyed me curiously and waited for me to continue. "Would you go to prom with me?"

Elle frowned in confusion. "Of course, I want to go to prom with you. You know that. We just have to see Lee's reaction to us first, though."

"This was Lee's idea."


"Lee just asked me if I would ask you to prom. He's worried about you feeling like a third wheel if he takes Rachel.  He feels guilty. That's the whole reason he tried to set you up with Hitch, he's trying to find you a date. He literally just talked me into asking you to prom."

"You've got to be shitting me."

"Completely serious. Can we go in and tell him you said yes?" Elle nodded, smiling but still seemingly in shock.

When we walked into the game room, I announced with what I was hoping sounded like fake enthusiasm, "She said yes!"

"This is great, you two. Now, the four of us can all go together and we'll have so much fun!" Lee is practically jumping up and down in excitement that his plan worked. Elle is laughing with him but keeps throwing glances my way. Rachel is watching all three of us, like I've noticed her doing before when we've all been together.

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