BlackMariposa_ (Saturday/04.11.2015)

197 18 1

UN: @BlackMariposa_

Title: Twin Vengeance

Parts: 23


Our life is different from any other youths.

Our life revolves winthin the organization that my father built, making ourselves worthy to be called his sons and daughters.

We, the heirs and heiresses of the organization, should train to fight and to kill.

But my sister fought for her freedom. For her, everyone needs to explore what's beyond and what lies in every corner of the world. And that's the day she flew away in a certain country, Philippines.

Since she left--me, us, the organization--everything has changed.

A couple of years had passed, a corpse of her break the silence she made when she left was killed. Brutally killed.

And now, I'll make them regret for killing my other half.

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