Macarena Ferreiro

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At the beginning of every chapter, I will recommend you a song that I believe matches with it. You can ignore it of course, it's just a recommendation anyway😝

The songs and their titles may contain spoilers for the content of the chapters and their nature. If you have a problem with that skip the song and listen to it after the end of the chapter!

Thank you and...enjoy😅🖤

This chapter's song is...
New Soul - Yael Main🖤

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Macarena walked in the University being all self conscious and feeling a bit out of place. She had left her house, her city and her family to study her favorite subject. Criminology.
Ever since she was just little she found the world of crime really interesting. Wanting to know more about it and the people who were a part of it. The “heroes” and the “villains”. Always having a soft spot for the seconds. But this wasn’t a movie or a TV series.
This was life and the villains probably weren’t that charming.

Walking in the campus for the first time she looked around the place. A wave of uncertainty hitting her hard. Was this really what she really wanted? A whole new life? She shook her head making the bad thoughts fade away. It wasn’t the right time to back away.

She turned her attention back to the whole new environment around her. Students of different ages were coming and going through the doors. Most of them seemed to be around her age. She had turned 20 a few months ago. Having studied a lot about psychology as a hobby in the past years she examined the people around her. She could already make a guess about who would be the nerds, the “bitches, the “fuck boys”, the junkies, the funny ones, the loud ones, the rebels and… the bad guys even though this seemed a bit odd to her.
In a place where the purpose was to eliminate crime, the bad guys were present….
Which of these groups would be her new company? Where would she fit?

Time to find out she thought as she made her way towards the classroom. She walked in the auditorium where her first lesson would be held and she found a seat in the middle of the room. Looking around her. The room was full of students but there were still a few empty seats beside her.

Soon a bunch of girls walked inside. As the only empty seats were the ones who were beside her the girls made their way towards her and they sat down. Right beside her sat a very beautiful girl with darker color of skin and black curly hair. The girl had a wide smile across her face glowing positivity and she turned her head towards Macarena. Extending her hand for a hand shake.

“I am Kabila but everyone calls me Rizos. I guess you can imagine why! What’s your name?” said the girl. Her tone very welcoming and a wide warm smile was spread across her face making Macarena immediately more comfortable.

“Well…I am Macarena Ferreiro and I am afraid I don’t have a nickname. Not yet anyway” she answered with a little awkward laugh turning her eyes towards the other girls who seemed as friendly as Rizos.

“You are new here?” one of them asked her.

“Yes yes. It’s my first day here. In fact it’s my first hour here. And you are the first people that I get to know here” answered Macarena blushing slightly. Losing her words a bit. She was feeling really out of her waters. She never considered herself as the very social type of girl. She was always friendly but she rarely made the first move to get to know someone so she was very glad that these young women seemed to be social enough and ready to make her a part of their little group.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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