ꜰᴏᴜʀ- hostage.

Start bij het begin

She rolled her eyes before treading her way through the field, away from the plants. He stood in front of her, 2 feet distance as he began to explain what they were going to do.

"So, not only will you need to learn spells but your father, the Dark Lord and I agreed that you should learn hand to hand combat too, for extra precautions." He stated, signalling the two cloaked men to step forwards and into sight range.

"You have 7 natural weapons, the head, the teeth, elbows, hand edges, fists, knees and your feet. I am going to teach you how to manipulate these areas in order of protection."

"So, let's start with the basics," he said. "If someone is acting up, you stay in a position where you look non-threatening like you're not prone to attack." He stood straight, one of his hands supporting another which rest against his chin.

"Normally, it's best to start with a straight punch," he demonstrated easily, his arm slowly pushing away from him as the other protects the side of his face.

"Make sure you're always protecting your face and head, that could be crucial. If you take a blow to the head, you're done for." He explained, probably from experience hence the scars that aged along his face.

"Give it a go..."

She blinks for a moment, wanting to laugh at how proactive she has become in a matter of days. But, she didn't. Instead, she stands in the same stance he once did, elbow raised towards her chin and the other supporting the previous action.

She played her act for a moment, before raising both fists above her face, always protect the head, her right hand shot forwards, into a straight line, best to start with a straight punch, and her wrist twisted at the contact to the air. Her left hand stayed covering her head, not letting the imaginary attacks harm her or carve her vulnerable.

She pulled her arm back and turned to Junior, who seemed to be smiling between his tongue actions. "Good, now try on... what did you say your name was again?" He asked the cloaked man with a rotund figure.

"I didn't." He stated plainly, which made Alora snort a laugh.

"Right well, Alora try it on big beefy over here.
Don't be afraid to hit extra hard." He nodded in the man's direction.

She walked Infront of him, raising her fists into their previous stance. She powered her arm forwards, intending to throttle the man however, he placed his hands over her shoulder and pushed her back to his arm's length. In instinct, she went into any defence mechanism she had,

she didn't have any... 'alright, okay erm, improv', she thought.

She slid under his arm, forcefully removing his grip before trying again. Her fist raises quickly, aiming for his face this time, and fuelling the punch with energy. Although, he overpowered her and gripped her lunged arm, twisting it around and making her drop to the floor.

"What the fuck?" She questioned, looking to the scene unfold, getting up from her place.

Junior had a stern look, whether it was anger or confusion, she didn't know. He was the one person she couldn't understand, something about him was difficult to read and she hated not having that ability.

The man whom she just fought wore a smug grin, taunting her for her loss. "Guess you truly are like your mother, after all, a useless little bitch."

Arcane (h.potter)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu