The confrontation

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Billy la bufanda and duo the owl stood outside El hombre altos door..

Somewhere inside the room a floor board creaked... Both billy and the owl looked apon each other.

" I thought he was asleep"  said duo. Duo crossed his small green wings  in front of his chests. " This is going to be harder than I thought."

" What are we going to do duo?" If billy had eyes he would be staring into duos like a child. Duo was his only hope for liberation, and he admired him with his full knitted heart...

" All I know is there's going to be more violence in..."

Suddenly the door flung open. It hit duo.
His green body flug against the wall with a sicking smack
" Duo!" Billy screamed with his nonexsistant Boca.

Before he could rush over to duos limp body, the tall man emerged out of the door way. He craned over billy like a beanstalk, tilting his pointy head to look at  the green owl, strown across him in the hallway.

" Well... Well.. well..".

The tall man walked past billy to Duolingo.

" So you came duo. Like I knew you would..." Said the tall man,  giving duos body a could stare through his round glasses, which blocked all signs of emotion in the man.   Suddenly, he spat on the owl.

Looking at tall man treat duo, a demi god, in such a way made the wool in Billy's stomach twist itself into knots. He wished  then he could defend his injured friend from El hombre altos bodily fluid assaults.

But billy la bufanda no fue a niguna parte.

" Duo, duo, duo. For however violent you are, you sure are short sighted."

" I never wanted to learn Chinese duo.. why would I? " " I'm  a sad man who talks to his clothing. I hardly need to know English."

" I've lost many too you duo. And it's time you payed the price."
Billy gasped. The tall man suddenly grabbed out cucumber from his coat pocket,  and held it up at the light, letting it's velveteen body shimmer.

" Adios, Duolingo."
He violently lobbed it at duo, sending the owls body body shattering into a million green sized prices.

Billy thrust his wolly arms into the air in anguish. 

His friends leftover particles dissapated into too  the long chamber of the hallway  before billy could catch them. El hombre alto looked apon the ashes with smug satisfaction.

Then the tall man walked over to his room like nothing happened.

Suddenly, he stopped, stepping on billy, and he craned down to look at the scarf.

" How did you get here? I thought I left you on the coat rack?"

Picking up the scarf, little did he know the did he know it was affected by the past events, Nonetheless torn up by them. 

But it didn't matter anyway.

Because the scarf was just a scarf, and that's all it would ever be.

Billy la bufanda x duolingoWhere stories live. Discover now