Chapter 13- Family

Start from the beginning

"And do you?" Wondered the Telmarine Prince.


"Wish to marry a man."

"If it were legal back there..." he trailed off.

James had never said the words out loud before. He'd never wanted to. If he'd admitted it, then it was real. Then he could be arrested back in England. But this wasn't England. This was Narnia- and Aslan had promised them all happiness. Didn't James deserve that too? After all that had happened to him, didn't he deserve the love from another being, even if they happened to be a man.

Caspian touched James' hand lightly. He flinched. Their eyes met, slowly. The blonde, who's hand has retracted at the feeling, edged it back. With confidence, Caspian put his tanned fingers over the King's, and offered a small smile.

"Your secret is safe with me, James."

Warmth spread throughout his body, and he didn't feel so unclean anymore. "I don't think it's much of a secret."

"Maybe not." Caspian shrugged, but he stood, and turned to the opening of the tomb, offering James the option to go with him. "But they will love you just the same."

James took the hand of Caspian as the Telmarine guided him back towards the work space. There, his siblings stood. He must have said something, they wouldn't do this without someone's organisation.

In a row, in age order, his siblings stood. They looked sort of ill, well, Peter did. There was a smugness in Edmund's eyes whilst both of his sisters just smiled.

Alfie sort of stepped into the view of James, Harvey trying to pull him back. There was a look of regret in the latter's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Mouthed the elder Gallagher before Alfie blurted.

"Are you a homosexual?" James was taken aback by the bluntness of his friend. Anyone who didn't know Alfie, might've taken it wrongly- but James didn't. Simply, he nodded.

Before James could say anything properly, Lucy bounded forwards. Her arms wrapped firmly around her brothers waist, as she clutched to him for life. "We still love you, James." She promised, in only the way that she could. "It doesn't change anything."

"Thank you." He whispered, softly, and Lucy let go. It was only for her to be replaced by Susan. She said no words, though her actions meant the world. Susan was speechless... what a day.

Then, Edmund. "I've always known." He mumbled to James as they hugged.

"How?" Replied the elder, exasperated.

"Does it matter?" James shook his head. "You're still my brother. You'll always be my brother. It doesn't matter." Edmund put his hands on the side of James' face, forcing his brother to look him in the eyes. "I mean it, James. I do."

"Thank you." The blonde attempted to keep his emotions together, though tears dropped staining his skin.

It was not what Edmund said, but what he did. This act of solidarity between brothers was binding, and knowing that he had not changed in his siblings eyes was enough.

Or at least, it was, until Peter came forwards. Tension was still thick in the air, and it was unbearable to be around them.

"If I'd have known..."

"It doesn't matter that you didn't know." James sighed, sadly. "You shouldn't have said that in the first place."

"I'm sorry."

James' eyes widened. Peter had apologised. Peter never apologised. And he had done so, to his brother, his older brother.

"I'm not going to forgive you so easily." Said the elder blonde Pevensie, cooly. "You must know that."

"Yeah, I expected as much."

They shook hands, rather comrades than brothers, but it was enough for now. Then, overwhelmed, James left. It seemed that Caspian had followed, so, the King asked.

"Did you know?"

"No. I knew there was tension." Caspian admitted, pushing back some of his black hair. "I did not know that they would say something to do with that."

"Thank you." Smiled James, weakly. "With everything I have... thank you."

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I don't own anything to do with the Narnia book series or film trilogy. These predominantly belong to C.S. Lewis. However, I do own James Pevensie, Alfie and Harvey Gallagher, and their respective alterations to the storyline.

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