Chapter 8

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Ava rolled over and tucked deeper into the soft covers. Her bed in America didn't hold a candle to this luxurious piece of art. Even the pillows held dream-like feathery softness. She could lie in the bed forever. Except for the irritating buzzing of her phone.

Someone wanted to get a hold of her - persistently. She reached for her phone sitting on the nightstand beside her and swiped it on, keeping one eye closed for better focus against the bright sun shining behind her. She should have closed the shutters to the large windows in her room before she fell asleep. Too late now.

Peter is coming.

Ava, wake up!

Did you get the message from Peter?

Peter just called me to say you aren't answering. I'm giving you three minutes and then coming in.

Two minutes.

One Minute.

"I'm up!" Ava sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Give me a minute." She made her way to the bathroom. She yawned and washed her face with cold water. The past few days had left her exhausted. She rubbed her bump.

"Ava?" Steve rapped his knuckles softly on the bedroom door. "You decent?" She had changed into a black pair of jogging pants and a black fitted top she had found in one of the dresser drawers. She pulled the door open. "I'm ready." She pulled her short hair into a messy bun. "We're just going upstairs, right?"

Steve nodded and walked beside her down the hall to the living room. Expensive cologne wafted to Ava's nostrils. It wasn't his typical smell, but it carried something deliciously tempting. She liked it and moved a little closer to smell it again.

"Which flat?" Ava pointed to both doors slightly across from each other. Steve nodded to the one that wasn't above them.

The door that stood in front of them swung open. "Ava! Steve!" Ava jumped back. Steve reached his arm around her so she wouldn't fall. It was a mechanical reaction, but it still felt nice against her lower back. A hand came across her bump. The annoyed look on Steve's face was enough to convey Peter.

"I am so sorry, babe. But don't worry I got you your morning tea." His cheeks have faint pink spots.

"Thanks, babe."

Ava and Peter had a different dynamic. They called each other babe and were always in cahoots because SHIELD paired them up every time.

The room had racks with clothes on them, models, and fitted mannequins with fancy dresses and tuxedos. All the classy furniture had been shoved against the walls.

"Crazy, I know right?" Peter did a full circle and jumped up and down in delight. "I'm going to be here the whole time you guys are here! I get to dress you every day for every occasion." He clapped his hands. "It's like playing Barbie but with real live people!"

Peter loved clothes and his fashion sense was way better than most of the SHIELD making him the stylist for missions like these.

Ava pulled out several dresses and went behind a screen Peter had set up to try things out. She found a dark navy blue sleeveless dress with a matching short cardigan.

The fitted top gave Ava free movement of her arms and felt like a second skin. It came down in a classy V-cut in the front without showing too much skin. The skirt part of the dress hung just at knee length and was loose with a sewn-in belt allowing her small baby bump. Ava liked the dress. It looked the part but also gave her the ability to run if she needed to or to move about in whatever way might be required of her. The cardigan fit perfectly as well.

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