"Let's go" James went grab his bags and we left the house, he put his stuff in the trunk then my dad drove us to the airport. Me and James sat in the back I had my head on his shoulder and our hands together, every once and while he kiss my hand or my forehead it was cute. It's like my dad drove super fast cause we got there quicker than I thought.

It was hard to say goodbye it's like we hugged for hours but I had to let him go plus I had school to get to in an hour. He kissed me one last time before letting go, I watched as he walked away and once he was out of sight I got back in the car letting a few tears fall. My dad rubbed my shoulder to comfort me "He'll be back soon" I sniffled rubbing my nose and wiping my eyes.

Time skip

We got back home I went finish get ready doing my makeup. Primer, concealer, blush, mascara, and highlighter something simple. I packed all the essentials for school in my bag, then asked dad to drop me off since it's 8:15 and I would want to hang out with my friends before school starts.

I got dropped off I walked on to campus and saw two people walking together, Javon and Nicki, I rolled my eyes at them and walked right past them. I felt a two pair of eyes on me as I walked I ignored them and went meet Jessie and Liam.

After talking with them for a few minutes I went speak to my other friends I have made. Jackson, Araya, and Milo they were the best if you'd ask me. "Hii y'all" I greeted them, Araya screamed in joy "Omg I missed you so much" she embraced me in a tight followed by Jackson and Milo. "I miss y'all too" I smiled "Heard you got a boyfriend" Araya said and Milo shook his head "Is he cute at least" Jackson asked so I showed them a picture "He alright I guess" soon after the bell rung so we walked to our classes.

The day went by fast and soon it was over and I was waiting on my bus to come. Two people came up to me which was Javon and Nicki, I took a deep breath before turning towards them "Look y/n I'm sorry for everything I did I really am, I realized I was wrong" he said with deep sympathy. "Don't know why you sorry" she mumbled underneath her breath "Still a fucking bitch I see" she snapped her head looking at me "The hell you said" she got loud for know reason causing a scene "Unlike you I speak my mind and like I said you're still a fucking bitch".

Nicki started yelling causing people to form around us "Attention seeker too" I rolled my eyes while people 'ooo'ed' "Gonna keep running your mouth or gonna throw some" I ran my tongue across my cheek smacking my teeth then took my book bag off throwing it to the ground "Lemme show you some bitch" again before anything could happen Javon grabbed me "She not worth it" Nicki rolled her eyes while tying up her hair "No cause she wanna keep talking all that shit but won't say it loud enough for me to hear, scary ass" she looked offended "I-I ain't scary" she hesitated to walk up but she did I pushed Javon to the side and walked up to her in her face.

"Go on hit me if you like that" she didn't hit me but she pushed me so I pushed back then she slapped me look like she was surprised to at her action cause she got scared after. It's like a reflex when I slapped her then punched in the cheek. A fight broke out the teachers finally came to the front when I had her on the ground pulling me off I spat at her as they pulled me away. Araya then came up to Nicki "You got knock the fuck out biatch, ahh thats my girl I'm proud of you" she yelled over to me. I couldn't help but laugh..

Time skip

They called my mom and she came to the school and got me as we sat in the car she asked "Did you win" I smiled "Yeah.." she nodded in approval "Okay let's go get some wing stop".



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