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Logan said "WOOH" out loud but lucky us we wouldn't get caught. I got in his car and he drove off to the (as he says) the teen bar. He walked me in and all his skater friends were there, one of his friends Daniel said "who's the babe?? Logan" he pushed me away and said "my friend, so just leave her. I went and saw my friends there to and I just found out this is were there at when I'm at school (im so lame -_-). And thats when I saw the glitter girls they where the bitchest girls I'd ever meet. One of them came up to logan and leaned In on him which makes most guys drool but he just kissed her and whispers in her ear and me of course gets jealous and trips her. He gets mad and says "WTF LILLY" I say "what did I do"?? He yelled at me well I ignored him. And then I said "logan why do u act like im yours like im your...umm your follower, well guess what im not because I dont have to listen to you". He hugged me and whispered faintly "im sorry" which only I could hear. Daniel waved me over and I went well Logan drooled over the glitter girls. Daniel said; why did u get so mad, its not like he's yours neither and plus even if u had a thing for him, he could never be in a serious relationship, not even for a day, so sorry if you do. I replyed to the heart sinking truth he just said, "well I do but its like whenever we touch theres a connection but ya he is a player and would never fall for me".
Me sitting here acting like i love theses dumb ass girls but no the one I love is sitting with Daniel right now. Im gazing over there like 3 billion times when I thought, why is it when I touch her theres a flare, I don't know, but honestly if I had to choose one girl out of the whole entire world, it would be Lilly gonzales. Shes an amazing girl with her perfect parted hair and sky blue eyes. Shes perfect but she'd never feel the way I feel about her. I see her get up and walk towards me.
Im getting up towards him when one of his friends, that I know very well twirls me and says "what are u doing this Saturday? " I said "nothing, really why?" Logan said "if your asking her to a movie, or party, im going to!" Then all I thought was why would he come. He just looked at me in a gazing stare then back to ryders face. Ryder says "ok"and walks away.

MY BESTFRIEND BENEFITSHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin