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Matthew POV

I walked into the office with a composed smile and approached Ms. Stacey's desk.

Hello Matthew and what can I help you with today?

Hello Ms. Stacey, I was wondering if the principal was available so I could speak with him about something.

Sure sweaty, just take a seat and let me check real quickly to see if he's free.

I nodded my head and took a seat in one of the waiting chairs. I watched as she picked up the phone and dialed the extension. I pretended not to be paying attention to her so I could listen in on the conversation.

Hello sir, Matthew Bolderstone is here requesting a meeting with you about a problem he's having.

Tell him to come on back Stacey and have Goodwin cover the morning routine for me.

Yes sir, will do.

I stood as she put the phone back down and reached for a walkie-talkie.

Go on back to his office Matthew.

Yes mama, thank you.

No problem sweaty.

As I walked past her desk and down the hall I listened as she radioed Mr. Goodwin about the morning checks and making sure everyone has made it to their first block. I stopped outside Mr . Wilson's door and nocked. I heard a come in so I opened the door and walked in.

Hello Matthew have a seat and tell me what I can help you with.

I shut the door and sat in one of the chairs that faced his desk and I looked at the thin man with brown hair and glasses that was in his late 30's.

Mr. Wilson I have a problem with the new students that have decided to attend this school.

I saw a flash of worry cross his face before concern took hold.

We have only made it to first block I can't imagine that they have caused any trouble in such a short period of time.

Well that's where your imagination falls short. Did you warn them upon registration to stay away from me? Being a were-creature yourself, I know that you know they come from a pack and that two of the new students hold very high position in that pack so please explain to me why one of the new students felt the need to introduce himself to me personally.

I watched him become uneasy and his face turn to an ashy white.

My apologies Mr. Bolderstone I had no idea the new students where wear creatures. I had Mr. Goodwin do the interview and paper work because I had a family meeting that day. My deepest apologies sir if I had known...

I held up my hand to cut off his rambling.

Mr. Wilson we agreed that my father would stay unaware that this school was being run by a were-goat as long as you informed every were-creature that attended this school to stay away from me. I would say that your failing the agreement right now and to spare me the nonsense rambling I'm going to tell you what you're going to do in order to keep your job here as principle and keep me quite to my father... are you paying attention.

I watched Mr. Wilson feebly shake his head yes before continuing my "talk" with him.

Now by the end of the day I want you to rearrange their schedules so none of them have the same classes as me. They can only have lunch period with me because I don't step foot in the cafeteria and if I decide to stop in one day I'm sure they won't bother me because after the talk that you're going to have with them this afternoon will strongly help them in deciding to say away from me. Now Mr. Wilson are we clear on how to fix things and do you understand what you need to do in order to keep your job?

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