5. Shipping in the Bus?

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Warnings: reader literally falling for peter, fluff, fluff, fluff

Summary: when you literally fell for peter parker, it was time to teach him something- shipping.


Peter wouldn't mind dying in Paris, but dying in a lane of Queens, yes, you would mind very much.

The bus rattled as if to spill his bel sangue without even hurting him and he winced as the bus jostled against some ridge on the road.

1. University

2. Being a friendly neighborhood spidey

3. A bus ride to nowhere

Ah well, just a 'bucket' list about things that were killing him.

Now listen here, half of the words made no sense; like bucket for a list when the list never went to the bucket, cult when you can literally call it something which was actually understandable, and hey, what the hell does this 'y/n' mean??


He read 'y/n' as yes or no for a week before he decided to quit the hyped world of fanfics.

Yes or no (y/n) leaned forward, slowly, watching the freckles of their face, freckles as if a constellation of hazels, shimmering with countenance.

No way in the heaven or hell for spiders, he could continue further.

There was a sharp screech! and the bus came to an abrupt halt, and fuck, he saw with horrified eyes as a girl, as old as him (on the second note, he's not old) tumbled forward, her eyes wide open in horror and if he had been sitting in one of those leather fitted seats and not hanging in these bus money bars, he'd actually want to summon popcorns for the awaiting scene.

Now he wasn't a bel esprit since birth, but as soon as the girl toppled straight into his arms, he didn't have any reign over his tongue and the words naturally fell off his tongue.

"Like you... literally fell for me."

The girl blinked at him in disbelief, and even though she had this abhor expression plastered on her face, she managed to give out a tiny smirk.

"I hope you are single then."

There were low whistles from around, and as a couple (or at least Peter's single ass thought that) strode out of their seats, giving him thumbs up.

"I ship you both!" The lady number one chirped with a toothy grin as she waded out of the bus while the lady number two had an airy expression on her face.

Now why the heck he needed to be shipped? He could go to home himself, thank you very much!

It was only when the bus started its bouncy gait again that he realised he was still staring into void while the girl was still hanging in his grip, her arms crossed and a bored look on her face.

"Oops," Peter said sheepishly, and he might have even dropped her then and there if it wasn't for his spidey senses.

"Seats," you pointed at the two empty seats behind you both, and though the feel of his taut, flexing arms felt like paradise, you decided that perhaps sitting would feel better.

"Yes, seats." You watched Peter Parker, or at least that's what he told his name, bounced his knees with an unspoken clumsiness.

"Any way i can help?" You raised your brows in intrigue.

"Uh well, the thing goes like... ship? Why people would ship me? I can walk on my own to my house!"

You smothered a laugh at his dilemma, patting his vein coursed arms in sympathy.

"Well it's a different ship," you tried, moving your arms viciously in an effort to make him understand. "Shipping is the...uh a desire by followers of a fandom for two or more people, well, either real-life people or fictional characters to be in a romantic and um sexual relationship?"

"Hope you aren't asking," Peter quipped and you flashed your palms in denial. "Like ship?" He pantomimes a ship from a flat palm, a pout on his face as he moved his hand.

You sighed in internal panic. No way he could understand?

"But I think," you looked at him in eagerness as he tapped you knee, "its cute how people try to see love even though it's not, not officially there?"

"So, you ship someone?"

"Ah well, I ship my aunt and uncle- WAIT! Hey, do you mind coming home with me?

You doubled back at the proposal.

"You have some work?" As you opened your mouth, he cut you off again. "Forget your work, just come. I know Aunt May would ship us!"

"Are you asking me out?" You laughed nervously at you bold question.

"Are you saying yes?"

You didn't have anytime to actually say yes before the bus had stopped and Peter took your arm and already rushed to wherever he was planning to.

So much for being shipped in the bus.

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