09 || Yearning

328 26 12

TW: this episode depictions of self-harm and bullying


"We're back." (Y/N) said as she opened the door for the two boys. "Oh, Anya-san, you're awake."

Iride look over the girl's shoulder. His eyes widened at the sight of the sleepy boy in front of them. "Ah, Anya-kun!"

"He just woke up." Karin told them, taking the mug from Anya's hand.

"Good morning." Iride greeted him.

"...Good... Mornin'..."

"He's really awake, right?" (Y/N) asked Karin, her forefinger pointing at the boy.


"I was worried when you collapsed all of a sudden." Iride told him.

"...Where are we?" He asked, looking more awake than before while looking around.

"The food cellar." (Y/N) answered as she helped Oshigiri put the bag aside since Iride ran to Anya's side. "Iride-san was really worried."

After a short period of silence, he finally spoke up. "I fell asleep...?" He brought his head to his hands as he cursed to himself. "It ain't a big deal. In my family line, it's said that 'cause of our genes, it's easy for us to inherit this sleep disorder." He started to explain to others as soon as he calmed down. "It's called congenital something... I forgot. I have no choice but to either forcibly go to sleep with pills or stay awake and wait till my body reaches its limit and crashes of its own accord.

"It's risky to take sleeping pills every night, so I'm guessing you started doing Let's Play because of all the free time you have at night?" (Y/N) asked, her arms crossed across her chest.

Anya responded with a nod. "That's it! End of story!" He exclaimed, back to his usual personality.

"So that's why you always have shadows under your eyes..?" Iride started to throw questions at the him.

"That's right."

"And it's 'cause of that you're irritated all the time?"

"That right!!" Anya started to get pissed at the questions.

"That one's natural, isn't it..." Oshigiri stated.

"Huh!? You mind your own business!!"

"Haa.." The (H/C) haired girl sighed, showing a great distaste when they began to bicker. At the very same time, there's a burning sensation inside her, knowing someone willing to open up to her and shared their problem.

'This feeling...'

She brought a hand to her chest.

'It's been so long since I felt this...'

Her knuckles were white as she gripped her uniform. In front of her was the other streamers, enjoying their late-night snack. Two girls laughing together while the boys eating in silence. Another boy was sleeping behind them. She closed her eyes, deep in thought, trying her best to throw those feeling out of her system.

"(Y/N)-san?" Her name was called out by Inaba. She opened her eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" This time, Karin asked her, snacks in her hands.

"No, it's nothing." She forced a natural smile on her face and walked to the group.

Oh Karin, how much she wishes that were the case. She's hoping it's just her being sick rather than that pleasant sensation.


Onigasaki and Roromori returned. Their hand full with a bag of something. 'We wanted to try some things with that'- is what she said while pointing to the flower. After some time, they finally decided it's time to regroup with the others. They formed a circle, surrounding a box.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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