:-( ONLY IF ):-

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Sometimes I wonder what would've happened
Only If, I were a bit more matured to know the real Good and the Bad.
Only If, I would've cherished myself
with whatever I had.
Only If, I were a little Emotionless and should have cared Less.
Only If, the very measures I would
have taken,
Maybe, today I wouldn't be that
Only If, I had known to give myself the Priority that day,
Would the things could be better Today??

Feelstora - > A story or poetry that is heavily influenced by the author's emotional state at the time of its writing.😅😅🙆

Pls do give your reviews it means a lot to me 😄😄🤗🤗
Take care ❣️❣️❣️

PoeTriEsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang