“What? Why? That’s not possible. We’ve kept him locked in to keep his scent hidden. He’s safe.” Louis cut in, glaring at his husband’s right hand man in disbelief.

“That’s where you’re wrong.” Dally pointed out, raising his brows at the couple, “Now that you’ve kept his scent all bottled up in this house, it has become stronger and easier to track down. His scent is so strong now, that it’s leading the two gangs right to this house.” He motioned all around, trying to get that to sink in. He himself had just figured that out recently, with the help of Tanner of course, they both had begun to realize that there actually was a very strong mixed scent coming from this house. Dally realized it when he was leading their clan to one of Harry’s meetings at the house and the rest of the members all seemed to have picked up on the unfamiliar smell. They asked questions, which Dally of course had to make lies to. When Dally and Tanner looked further into it, they figured out that you could actually smell Zayn from miles away. It must’ve of been why the Fangs and Claws were getting so close.

Louis gasped, horrified, “What? Wait, all this time we’ve been leading them right to him?” He couldn’t believe it. He felt like shooting himself. They were the ones who were keeping Zayn trapped in the same place, so they are the ones that have been bringing the two gangs right to his baby. He felt so stupid. How did he not realize this sooner?

“Is it too late?” Harry asked quietly, fearing the answer. This was their entire fault. They’re the ones putting their son in danger when all along they were trying to protect him. “I mean, what can we do? How do we get Zayn safe?” He was almost crying. He could feel the water stinging at his eyes and when he looked at Louis, he noticed that he wasn’t too far behind.

Tanner sighed, his eyes holding complete sympathy for their family because he could never imagine being in their position. He wished him and Dally could’ve figured this out sooner, but it never occurred to them that the scent around this house was off. The both of them were so used to it that they didn’t even consider it. It was only when Harry’s gang pointed it out for the first time that it suddenly clicked.

“We do think there is a way.” Tanner began softly, his eyes flickering between the two lovers. “I know you guys won’t accept it at first, but please, for Zayn’s sake, consider it.” He pursed his lips, waiting for the nod from them that told him he could carry on. “We’ve been through a lot of options, but we think the best one is for you to allow Zayn to go to school. A public one.”

Louis chocked on his breath, Harry’s eyes went so wide that they nearly popped right out of his head. They couldn’t believe what they just heard. They almost didn’t think they heard it right, but of course, it was loud and clear. They were supposed to allow their baby, after fifteen years, to go to a real school.

“B-But I-I—we…I-I don’t—“ Harry couldn’t even form a sentence, he was just staring at Louis in complete bafflement. He didn’t expect this. I mean, he didn’t expect a lot of things, but this was definitely at the top of the list.

Louis swallowed loudly after a moment, his throat suddenly becoming very dry. “I don’t understand. You can’t possibly think we’ll accept this.” His gaze shot between Tanner and Dally, and bitter laugh falling from his lips. “After fifteen years of staying in this house. Zayn’s not possibly ready to be out in public!”

“Louis, listen to me.” Dally spoke carefully, his tone a lot firmer than any of them expected. “This house is not safe for Zayn anymore. He needs to disperse his scent. If he’s out in public, then his smell will mingle with the others, and it will be a lot harder to track down. You’ll confuse the gangs because they won’t know where to look. You must spread his scent.” Dally finished slowly, his expression so intense that Louis and Harry were left gaping, at a lost for words.

“He’s right.” Tanner chimed in, “If you want Zayn safe, you have to let him out of this house.”

“C-Can’t we just move? We’ll go to a different house, away from where the Fangs and Claws will ever look!” Harry tried, his eyes wide in hope, praying that this was a better option.

“And then what? You’re going to keep him locked up all over again? So that his scent will accumulate there instead?” Dally asked bitterly, narrowing his eyes at the couple. Do they not think he thought of this? There was no better option then sending Zayn out in public.

“Then we’ll keep moving!” Louis growled, his eyes flashing briefly.

“What about our pack?!” Tanner shouted, trying to stay calm but simply failing this time. “And Harry’s clan? What are you going to do about us? We can’t keep up if you’re moving everywhere! We’re counting on you! You’re our leaders!” Louis and Harry sat shocked; they’ve never seen Tanner like this. He’s always been the calm one of the group. Even Dally was at a loss for words. “And what about Liam and Niall? What about their lives and their friends? Do you really think they’ll want to move from house to house for the rest of their lives?!” Tanner let out a low growl at the end of his rant, running a hand through his hair to try and compose himself. He shouldn’t go off like that to his Alpha. “Look, I’m sorry.” He said exasperatedly, “But I’m trying to be realistic here. Zayn’s only hope is to try going out in public. You need to, Let. Go.”

Harry and Louis shared looks, having a silent conversation with each other on what to do. The tears were clear in their eyes, as they both knew what the best option was. Nobody would understand the pain of having your child in this kind of danger. The fact that there are monsters out there that want their baby for an experiment simply kills them. But if it’s what’s best for Zayn…

“We’ll let him go.” Harry sighed, not taking his eyes off Louis for a second. They held their gaze while Harry continued to talk. “We’ll talk to Zayn, and Liam and Niall. Tonight. W-We’ll tell them what’s going on. We’ll tell Zayn that he’s mixed.”


A/N: Next chapters going to be interesting… *smirks* The secrets going to be revealed.

How do you think Zayn will take it? Will he be mad? Happy? How will Liam and Niall react to the news about the Fangs and Claws getting closer? Or Zayn going to school?

Better vote & comment to find out…

Love you lots! Thanks for all the sweet messages on my authors note about Zayn. It means a whole lot. I definitely will keep writing this book, even though Zayn’s not in the band. He’ll always be in One Direction to me though.

-Avery :)

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