Chapter 2

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MaKayla's POV:

"You wanna come out and say hi or you just gonna keep watching me like a fucking creep?" I asked fiercely. I watched as a being came out from behind the trees that was hiding their form. If it was not for me sensing their presence, I would have not even known that they were there. As the being came closer, I could feel that they were not human. There was no heartbeat that could be heard, but yet I could hear them breathing. This being had no soul whatsoever residing in them. When it finally came into view, the first thing I noticed was their mask. It was a dark shade of blue with only two eye holes. There was nothing for the nose or mouth on the mask. Upon further inspection, I noticed there was a substance leaking from the eyes of said mask. I look the being up and down to take in my stalker. He was way taller than me and had a great build from the looks of it. I could see messy brunette hair peeking out of from behind his mask. He was wearing a black hoodie and what looked to be black skinny jeans? I started to laugh out loud. I couldn't help it. This intimidating being with a strong looking build was running around here in black skinny jeans! I was bent holding my stomache as I laughed. "What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Laughing. At." the being commanded at me. "I'm sorry but why those jeans out of all the ones you could have worn?" I asked through laughter. "You had me at first, not gonna lie. Tall, muscles that look like they could snap me in two, and then I look down and see fucking SKINNY JEANS!?" I howled "Do you want your victims to see those toned leg and thigh muscles before you end their lives?" I am laughing so hard that I can't breathe. I look to the being and he is standing there.......shocked?........confused? It's really hard to tell because of it's mask. "Listen buddy, as much as I would like to stay here and make fun of your choice of jeans I really need to get going." I went to start walking in the other direction when I felt pressure in my neck. When I tried to figure out what is was I was tackled to the ground, my face in the dirt. "Jesus christ........were you that offended?" I asked as I raised my hand to my neck. I felt something sticking out of it. 'What the actual that?' I thought as I tried to remove it. The beings weight was on top of my back as he was straddling me. "Excuse me, but I seem to have something lodge into my neck, so if you could kindly get off of me I would like to see what it is." I said nonchalantly. "Why are you not screaming out of pain or terror? How are you so fucking calm and collected after I just stabbed you?" the being asked very confused. "YOU FUCKING STABBED ME!?" I yelled as I sat up catching him off guard with my sudden movement. He fell over as I sat fully up and yanked the object out of my neck. Object in hand, I brought it to my face and observed it. "Is this a scapel?' I looked at the being and threw the scapel at them. It landed to the right of them. "I have the right mind to eat your soul, but seeing as you don't have one, I should just stab you in the neck. An eye for a fucking eye." I said furiously. The being just stared at me not moving. "HELLO!?" I yelled at them. "You're not bleeding." they said as they stood up from the ground. "No shit SHERLOCK! I'M NOT FUCKING ALIVE. NOT EVEN HUMAN!" I yelled becoming more agitated from this situation. "You know I thought with someone as skilled as you are, you could tell the difference between a human and nonhuman. For fuck's sake you aren't even human yourself!" I said rolling my eyes. "How do you know I am not human?" the being asked intrigued. I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath. I walked up to the being and placed my hand on their chest. "There was no heartbeat when you first approached me same as you do not have a soul that I can sense." I felt them tense at my touch. I withdrew my hand and looked up at the tall being. 'Fuck me. This would be my luck after just having a nice feast.' I thought as I internally face palmed. This thing. Being to be more precise, is really working on my last nerve. I really do not have the motivation to fight right now. I mean, who would with a full stomache? I need to think of something as a distraction so I can get away with ease, but that does not seem possible. Mr. Skinny Jeans here is observing my every move like a hawk. Well, from what I could tell. 'I got it. This is going to be perfect' I thought as a small smile appeared on my face. Mr. Skinny Jeans tilted his head slightly at my change of emotion. I walked slowly up to his form and stopped. The smile never leaving my face. I knelt down making sure to keep eye contact with him and gently grabbed the scapel off the ground. You see, his attention was on my right hand since that was the one that was grabbing the scapel. The other, was grabbing a fistful of dirt from the ground. "How rude of me to treat you property like trash" I cooed as I raised my body back up from the ground. He was very confused at this point and was letting his guard down because of it. I brought my hand with the scapel towards him and just as he reached for it, it slipped through my fingers "accidentally". He went to grab it before it hit the ground. 'Hook, line, and sinker' I thought, my smile growing wider. I grabbed the strap of his mask and ripped it off before he could even process what was going on. In his confused state, I threw the fistful of dirt into his eyes, or I am guessing I did because he was hunched over to begin with, he flew back with his hands covering his face howling at the pain. I took my chance and kicked him in the groin HARD. When he fell back and hit the dirt, I placed his mask beside him before running like a bat out of hell. "Sorry dude, but I have places to be and you are not one of them! I wish you the best!" I yelled as I ran away. "You stupid fucking bitch!" I heard him yell in anger, but I knew he wasn't gonna be getting up anytime soon. I snickered to myself. I kept running through the forest never stopping to take a break. I wanted to be home and I really didn't want to run into anymore creepy stalkers. I had finally arrived to my little shed after running for who knows how long. I rested my hands on my knees and took deep long breaths. "That was fucking WILD. But HOLY SHIT was it fun." I said as I approached my shed reliving the events that took place tonight.

WHOOP WHOOP! 1261 words!

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