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Why he decided to come to these meetings he couldn't answer, they were dull and uninformative. "The damage in q-city stays at a..." He returned to his mind. Someone as himself shouldn't need to sit through these for hours blankly staring at a projection on a white board while someone talked about the duties each S-class member had performed over the last month. People below him in strength and (more importantly) speed needn't bother him for matters as unimportant as these. And yet here he was placed in between a man in a dog costume and a glorified thug in a tank top.

He was drawn from his thoughts by a soft buzz in his pocket.

"Where are you"

Speed o' Sound Sonic, the ninja who had trained alongside him in the Ninja Village. They had never been on the best terms since Flash spared (poisoned) him o' so long ago. It had improved since they had defeated "That Man." (Though he was actually taken down by a certain blad hero a few seats down.)

Remembering the text he had received minutes ago he tilted his head back down to respond.

"I'm in a meeting"

A reply came back almost instantly.

"I'm at your apartment"

What was he doing there? The hero had only given out his address for it to be used during important events. Was he hurt? What if he had been followed? Flash quickly began calculating the distance he would need to be able to meet whatever evil had injured Sonic. He stopped himself realizing that what he was thinking sounded a little too close to worry for the ninja. As a happy compromise he returned with an answer both his mind and his heart would allow.

"Why the hell are you at my apartment"

Another reply just as speedy as the last.

"It was an emergency"

Flashy Flash's heart dropped and all reason shrank to the back of his mind. 4 minutes. He could reach his home in 4 minutes.


Another fast response.

"The power got shut off in the apartment I was living in"

The hero inwardly groaned. He was a fool for believing that that moronic excuse for a ninja was in true danger. While in reality, (something the hero had seemed to forget for the past few minutes.) Sonic was dramatic as hell.

The look of extreme focus that he had unintentionally adopted slipped back into a frown he often wore.

"You mean squatting in"

"Same difference"

He felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment which he hastily willed to fade before he earned the attention of one of the many heroes in the dark room.


He sighed before finishing his message.

"Just, wait for me to return and I'll let you in"

He glanced up hoping no one noticed the interest he took in the phone in his lap, he glanced at Child Emperor who sat across from him but he seemed more interested in the gadget he had been fiddling with.

"Too late"



"I broke in"

How, had he left the door unlocked, maybe a forgotten window left open?


"The window next to your fire escape duh"

That was locked. He specifically recalled closing and locking it after a partially unpleasant draft had made its way inside.

"I locked it"

He almost dreaded the reply that came next.

"Yeah but it was easy to pick"

"That's not the point you halfwit"

"You can't do anything about it now anyway"

Flash could feel the mocking tone through his device.

"What are gonna do, kick my ass"

He had to admit, it'd be much easier to stay mad if he were to stop focusing on the word ass. (A weaker man's mind might have drifted towards the image of Sonic's nicely sculpted rear. Flashy Flash was feeling very weak.)

"Thats exactly what I'll fucking do"

"Stay put till I get back. Even you can manage that"

He took another deep breath hoping the vein that had appeared on his forehead wasn't too noticeable.

"Fine, but do you have any meat"

"There should be some beef behind the yogurt"

"It's not there"

"Just have something else"

"But I want meat"

So picky, he felt his cheeks flush again but this time in frustration. He scanned the table with the hopes that he hadn't been caught. He momentarily caught Atomic Samurai's slight grin before dropping it, and instead choosing to pay more attention to the projector currently replaying a video of Sweet Mask autographing a poster then a figure of himself seemingly after a battle. "Hero merchandise greatly influences the morale and revenue of our heroes..." The topic seemed to have switched to the Associations funds, as it often did. Greedy bastards, not that he cared what they did with their cash."

"Then wait and I'll bring something"

"Make sure it has meat in it"

"And lots of protein"

Something with protein and meat... A salad maybe... Just to spite the ninja of course.pocket

"Yeah Yeah"

He slipped his phone back into his pocket expecting the rest of this meeting to be uneventful, which it was. (Painfully so.)

"That will conclude today's meeting, but before you all leave I would like to..." Before the suited man could get another word in, all who were in the room were already out the door. He almost held pity for the sputtering man. Almost.

But for now he was tasked with buying dinner, and potentially evicting a fellow ninja.

A/N: Thoughts and criticism greatly appreciated <3

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