Chapter One - We Meet Again

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The sun shined down on the city of freedom. Crimson foxes hopped through the fields as Forest Boars munched on the bright-colored grass. You could say it was a perfect day with just some clouds floating by in the sky. A young woman with caramel hair was quite busy.

One single Axe Mitachurl was growing weak as a strong girl who wields a sword kept slashing at it. Eventually, the female took one last slash at Mitachuel. It groaned, falling to its knees and disappearing into the air as it dropped a heavy horn. The girl chuckled as she swiftly put her sword away dusting her hands after.

"And that's the last commission of the day." She bent down picking up the horn, storing it in the bag that she owned. "Now it's time for cooking."

With that, she dashed off. Windwail Highland is quite far from the city. So in order to make it back to Good Hunter before rush hour, she had to run to the destination.

During the run, she inhaled to get a whip of the fresh air and the scents from nature around her. It was quite refreshing after taking out multiple enemies throughout the morning. Soon she approached the city gates as the guards welcomed her.

After taking a quick stop at the Adventurers guild to claim her daily payments she made her way up the stairs and waved at her beloved mother Sara.

"Ready for another day of cooking, Hanne?" She crossed her arms as she stood behind the counter.

Hanne nodded and looked over towards where the Cathedral was, "Actually I was thinking of hearing the bard sing today. I have worked pretty hard lately and deserve a break. Don't you think so, mother?" She placed her hands on her hips.

Sara let out a huff, "Alright, be sure to be back before noon. Oh, I am sure you are dirty from fighting all of those Hilichurls. Don't forget to quickly clean off when you return." She shakes her head.

"Will do mother. I will be back as soon as I can!" She giggled and made her way towards the tall cathedral.

Not only was the bard famous for performing melodies, sometimes he also sang songs that were quite different. Like they were out of this world. They were either outdated or from some other time period. No one had any idea when. This made Hanne quite curious about the bard. So, after watching him a few times Hanne decided to ask what his inspiration was. He didn't give her a clear answer.

It was always something crazy.

"Oh? You want to know where I got my inspiration from, eh?" He giggled and bent forward, "A screen."  He put it simply standing back upright on his feet.

Electronics didn't exist in the world of Teyvat. So it was quite obvious that Venti knew about the future.

Hanne just stood there oblivious and tilted her head, "A what?"  She blinked.

"Oh, you wouldn't understand. Now, where is my mora, mrs?" Venti asked, crossing his arms.

Eventually she made it up the stairs and jogged on over nearly out of breath. The melodies he played on his lyre were always so peaceful and calming to her. She pushed her way through some of the people in the crowd. Some even complained. Though she paid no attention to them.

Now only one person stood in her way. She was only able to see the bard's hat in view. As he strummed the strings of the instrument. The melody started off quite calm then slowly picked up pace as time went by. It was such a nice flow.

Soon Venti swiftly puts his lire away. "That will sadly be all for today."

"What about your poem's Venti?" Anna asked in the crowd.

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