The greatest surprise-2

Start from the beginning

"What's so special today bhai" asked a curious rutu.
"Ohh you guys didn't know it??" Asked an equally surprised rayudu
"What??" Chorused everyone present there.
"...that mahi bhai retired??" Booooooooommmmmmm the bomb dropped

"Whatttt" shouted all the others. "When?"asked someone in reply rayudu said to check their insta of mahi bhai's profile. To say all of them were shocked to the core. There were many questions in their mind like "didn't he just had his dinner with us but he didn't show any of the emotions nor did he make an announcement"

Rutu's pov

I know that he was known as captain cool but being this cool isn't fair. It was like a asteroid fell on earth. My inspiration, my idol with whom I never thought would have a chance to meet in my wildest dreams is retired now before me playing atleast a game with him!. Oh god !! What's happening here?? Will he retire from ipl also?? Will this be his last season? Won't i even get a chance to share the 22yards with him?? There were many what if's in my mind. After a while when we were slowly digesting the sudden announcement Jaggi again peaked into rayudu bhai's phone and said

J: bhai!! Bhai !! Wait wait why are u posting raina bhai's pic?? It should be maahi bhai's pic na?? May be u selected by mistakenly just discard it bhai!!

R:  *taking a deep sigh*  guys can you once again check Sonu bhai's account??

What on earth?????? What's happening around me?? How can they retire on same day that too without any farewell or retirement press conference??? I looked around to get all the disappointed and depressed looks from my teammates. After a while we left for our rooms hoping tomorrow would atleast be a good day.

Soon it was the day of our boarding. We enroute to chennai and we were under quarantine. After that day though everyone were depressed and sad we decided to work hard and win this ipl for Sonu Bhai and maahi bhai.

But as the saying going "Expect the unexpected" i was tested covid +ve and 10 more from the management. I don't know what to do , ours was the first game with the Mumbai Indians and here we are in extended quarantine. Deepak Bhai also was diagnosed with covid-19. Though there was a constant fear there was always the moral and emotional support from team and the management. But there was again a shock of raina bhai not participating in ipl. The journey was a bit typical but that made me believe that "there are good days too"

My journey of ipl 2020

My journey of ipl 2020

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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