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Seth pov

I have had it up to here with Nikki and her stupid games! I'm done saying sorry because obviously she isn't budging! I'm done giving her things because we all know how that turns out! I'm done, I'm just done but I'm not done with her! I'm not going to give up on her, no. Her walls are higher than the Eiffel Tower but I'm determined to climb over them. I walked backstage after my match and unfortunately ran into my girlfriend, Alexa. NXT superstars and divas are over here for Monday night Raw tonight.

"Hey," Alexa greeted as she hugged me.

"Hi," I gave her back a small hug.

"You were great out there."

"I'm always great."

"Yeah, I know."

I smiled at her. This isn't working out at all! Sure, Alexa is stunning and all but I don't want her. Plus we don't even act like a couple and I guess I'm mostly to blame for that. I looked down at the blue eye beauty, watching me as she twirled her hair around her finger, smiling up at me. Should I? I questioned myself. I saw Brie in the distance talking to Show and obviously my mind ran on Nikki. I should. I confirmed with myself.

"Listen Alexa, you are great and all but this isn't working out. So I'm leaving you," I informed as I watched her in the eyes, waiting for meltdown. For her to cuss me out, to slap me, say I'm a asshole. You know, the usual. Instead, shockingly to me she just shrugged. "Cool," she told me with a genuine smile as she walked off with an extra bounce in her step.

I was left standing there dumbfounded. Did that really just happen? I decided to be thankful and shook it off as I went in the direction Brie and Show were in but they had already left. I sighed and looked around a room, just a room. It have no specific use or anything to it. Just a room with crates alongs its white walls. I leaned back on one, watching the production people do what they have to do and it was then I spotted Nikki but she didn't spot me. It had some guy walking behind her but she didn't seemed to know or care really. There are always people around.

"I think you are beautiful and I was wondering......if......uh.......if you want to go on a date with me?" The long surfer hair guy asked her. I became infuriated by him. I just hope this is one of the many times Nikki says no. I looked on at the two people I was overhearing. "Of course I'll go out with you." What?! Did she just say she'd go out with him? No this can't be happening. I balled my fist ready to make my way over there and knock him out until I heard her speak again. "If I didn't had a brain and eyes. Goodbye." She flipped her hair in his face and walked off, leaving a heartbroken guy behind. I smirked at her as she finally saw me.

She rolled her eyes and walked past me and I allowed her to do so without a word. I already have a master plan. I smiled in her direction before walking off to find Roman or somebody to talk too, to kill time.

It was after Raw and by now mostly everyone was in their hotel rooms or if the live in this state, homes. One of those people who were staying in their hotel room is, Nikki Bella. She stays in her hotel room all alone because her and Brie don't like to be around each other for too long, plus Brie is with Orton. But she and Brie always stay in the exact same hotel, just different rooms. Thanks to Brie, I found out all of Nikki's hotel information. That is why I'm in my way up to her room right now.

I knocked on her hotel door, hearing some movements inside before she opened the door. All I saw on her face was anger, disappointment and pure beauty. She was about to close the door but I put my shoe in the doorframe so the door won't close. "This is a new low. Even for you," She commented giving up on trying to squeeze my foot with the door. "Well good day to you too," I sarcastically remarked. She gave me a fake and bitter smile. "Can you leave?" She asked but her voice didn't held the meanness it usually has when she speaks to me. That worries me a hell of a lot. "No, what is wrong?" I asked as she just let out a sigh, realizing I wasn't going to leave no time soon. She spun around and walked more into the hotel room, leaving the door wide open. I took it as an invitation in and entered, closing and locking the door behind me.

"Nothing is wrong, I'm just sleepy and last person I want to see when I'm sleepy is you." That hurts a lot but I'm use to it and at least she let me in so I'm happy.

"Don't spare my feelings," I snide remarked.

"I wasn't trying to."

"I know. You never try too."

She shocked me by giving me a small smile before she flop down onto her bed, groaning. This is my chance. I told myself as I slipped off my shoes and got on top of her, pinning her hands above her head. Her brown eyes widened in shock but I see no fear.

"Seth, get off me," She warned.

"No, we both know you want this," I stood my ground.

"No I don't! I learned my lesson last time."

"It won't be like last time."

"How won't it be like last time Seth?"

"Well, we won't be drunk and I won't tell."

She looked me in the eyes before looking away. I can tell she is thinking about it and just knowing she is thinking about it, makes me smile. I bit my lips looking at her, waiting for her answer. I won't do anything without her permission. I'm many things but a rapist isn't one of them. "Fine," her voice snapped me from my thoughts as I smiled down at her. "But tell anyone about this and you are dead meat," She warned and I smiled and nodded.

"I won't tell or even mention it if you don't want me to. Promise," I confirmed and that seemed to be all she needed to know because next thing I know, she was pulling me down by my shirt, connecting our lips in a heated kiss. I moved my hand down to her waist to hold her in place as her hands wrapped around my neck while tugging at my hair. I pulled away from her to catch my breath and begin to leave kisses down her neck. She gave me more access to her neck as she positioned her head to the side. "Seth!" She called out when I found her sweet spot, I bite roughly down on it (not like a vampire or to draw blood or anything). Apparently she likes it rough because she called out my name while pulling my hair harder as much as it hurts, I enjoyed it.

I pulled away from her and raise up a bit to take of my shirt and throw it across the room as her gaze followed it. This is going to be a good night. It is weird that the only time she likes me is when we are bed together.

Ice Hearts (Nikki Bella/ Seth Rollins)Where stories live. Discover now