Chapter One

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Being practically the biggest boy band in the world is harder then they make it seem. I thought it would be fairly easy to make it by, but when you loss all of your privacy, it makes life just so much harder. It makes it harder especially when ive been dying to go to the carnival down the street. I never could go out just as Harry Styles without being mobbed by girls. I didn't like being hidden away from the paparazzi and all the fans, because I like to explore and to explore you have to be out of an closed room. I peered down at the streets, hiding a little behind a curtain so no fan that lined the hotel wall could see me and start ruckus. I looked down pursing my lips, I averted my eyes to the near by carnival. It looked so close, like I could taste the cotton candy already but all those girls down on the gravel side walk made it seem far, out of my reach.

I turned on my heels, scanning the room for something but I wasn't really sure of what that something was. All the time, celebs would disguise themselves hide away from the crazed fans and the paparazzi. I always thought it was abnormal to hid your true self just to be able to do things, until it was me in this situation and I so desperately wanted to visit the carnival.

I settled my thoughts and just threw on ray bands and a beanie, shoving my curly locks back into them so no one could recognize me by my signature look. I felt strange, as I changed into a shirt that didn't exactly scream Harry Styles but more of a normal boy, i didn't like the idea of masking my identity. But it was needed, so I did it just for that damn carnival. I moved around the beds and took in a huff of air before I made my way down to the lobby.

I sneakily made my way around the lobby, watching the crowd just to make sure I wasn't noticed; or even noticeable by my disguise. I knew it was risky to take the front way out, so I needed and alternate way around the crowd. I made my way over to the front desk as normally as I could, I slouched a little hiding my features slightly and shoved my hands in my pockets trying to make myself seem like a normal teen but I seriously didn't know how to act like one anymore.

I cleared my throat and the woman looked up from her computer. Wrinkles creased her face, I let out a sigh at the sight of her features. Because she was to old school to recognize me and start a hissy fit. Right?

"Yes sir?" She said in a harsh tone, I licked my suddenly try lips as her grey sharp eyes examined me closely. I tensed up, maybe the word of us got out to all of the workers and now all of them can identify me. Her eyes scanned over my body, taking in every inch of my being until her eyes made it to my face.

"Um, yes.. is there another exit?" I stuttered on my words a little, her gaze was deadly and made me feel exposed. Her face didn't show any emotion, not one of shock from my presence, and not another of being fooled. Her face was as hard, and cold as a stone. And her eyes, they cut daggers into me. I flinched softly as the feeling of one pricked me right under the eye.

Maybe my tense state was giving it all away, maybe I was over reacting. It could possible be the stare she gave everyone so I didn't have to worry... right?

She jerked her thumb to the door suddenly, I looked at where she pointed and it was directly at the front door. I shook my head and looked down at my VANS that suddenly became the most interesting thing in this lobby, "No miss. Another exit." I restated my recent sentence, exaggerating on the word another so she would understand I wanted one that was not in the front, and one that didn't hold back hundreds of fans.

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