Chapter Three

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Posting it quick then going to sleep!! love you guys -Q

It felt like a huge weight been lifted off my shoulders as I threw off my soaked beanie and carefully put my ray bands on the coffee table. I sat back in the brown leather seat that lined the white walls, and sighed a breath of relief. I covered my eyes shielding my eyes from the features around me. It was over, the lies and deception it was over, I no longer had to remember the facts on my fake life.

"Hazza bear?"I heard Louis's soft voice echo from the separate room in the hotel room.. His blue eyes shone through and seemed to be starring right into mine, though they were basically covered.

I let out a throaty groan, I didn't want to speak anymore. I was tired of this day and was ready to sleep. Lou padded across the floor and I felt his breeze gust over me signalling that he was now hovering over me. I looked up at him, his hair wasn't pushed back into a quiff, it hanged low and was shaggy as If he just woke up.

And being the Louis I know, he probably did.

I dropped my hand letting it hang over the couch, a slight whimper escaped my lips as it fell down with more power then I intended the base of my finger tips skinning the wooden floors. I locked gaze with Louis but he quickly looked away at my shaggy shirt that was covered with dirt, and a little blood that dripped from my nose.

I almost forgot about the activities before Alex, because all that was on my mind was how it was going to be okay from now on. I wouldn't have to make up fibs on the spot anymore, which I found frankly really hard.

"I can explain this." I said looking down at the shirt that I borrowed; Louis looked up at me with a skeptical look. He questioned me without saying anything, pulling his thick brows together. I gave a weak smile swinging my feet to the floor giving Louis a seat beside me.

"Okay, proceed." He said his eyes never sitting still on my face, they kept glancing down at my dirty body nibbling at his lip - which over the years I've noticed he does that when his nervous or worried - and occasionally twirling his thumbs over his lap as thoughts processed in his head.

"Okay well I really wanted to go to the carnival." I said stretching out really just to get my point across. "And I couldn't go out to those hooligan fans! Right I mean that would be horrid you know, being mobbed and all and I wouldn't be able to get to the carnival..." I rambled on twirling my wrist as I explained. Louis held his hand up to stop me and my babbling.

"Stop!" He said shortly. "Get to the point." Louis was a get to the point kind of guy, he didn't like when people continued their sentence when there was really no point to them. I gave a short nod, going through my jumbled up thoughts, and resuming where I last ended.

"Oh yeah..." I muttered under my breath. "Well anyways I needed another way out so I asked this grumbly old lady, that kinda looked like your grandma.." I made a side note that made Louis scoff. He didn't like it when we talked about his nan like that, I cleared my throat and began again. "And she's like no you cant blah blah blah." I said in a mocking tone of an elderly lady voice. "And then I sang to her in the closet..." That made Louis purse his lips, I couldn't tell if that statement made him feel un comfortable, or made him very muddled. "Long story." I mumbled not even wanting to go into details. "So then I went into... an alley and then there was a gang and everything..." I explained being cut off by Louis trembling voice.

"A gang?!" The concern in his voice evident, as his eyes were wide investigative me closer with his sharp blue eyes that grew cold at my message. "Are you okay? How the hell did you make it out a live?"

"A girl." I told him simply, I didn't want to get into detail. My voice was getting weak and my eye lids were heavier from the wave of sleepiness washed over me. "Look the plus side is im out a live." I said with a weak smile, it curving slightly not giving off my deep dimples.

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