Chapter 2: Takahiro

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     I tapped my fingers roughly against the desk, in somewhat of a pattern as my patience was begging to fade. Well, actually it probably was gone by the 1st period. I really hated waiting, especially when it came to getting out of class.
     I noticed someone side eye me, looking a bit annoyed but I continued. I almost stopped. Almost. But I thought it would be funny to annoy them and stopping would have my body fidget with something else or I'm shake my knee up and down, then back to tapping my fingers. Not like I'm ever going to see them again in the next few days.
     I mean, only a few people here are going to get into UA. I may be one of them, might not be. All I know is that even if I don't, there's still plenty of hero schools out there that would be fitting.
     The clock moved slower and slower the more I looked at it. I know it's just a simple doctor's appointment but anything was better than being stuck in literature class. I really hated it. Even though I probably needed it the most.
     "...Now, you won't have any homework but I want to make sure everyone has all their missing work in. Which I will give you the rest of the period to work on." Good thing I had none.
     This class really was boring without Mitsu. Last year we had a blast in our literature class, but my grades caught up with me. She got into the higher literature class while I was stuck with the basics. Even when she tried to help me I struggled, it didn't do much.
     I lightened how hard I hit the desk with my fingers as I saw the clock get a few minutes away from when I had to leave. My school bag was already packed with all the small things that we had, since finals ended yesterday. We wouldn't be getting our results until later in our break.
      The only reason why kids were doing homework was because our teachers let some kids do extra credit and get in late work just to keep us busy. Also since a lot of them were probably not confident in their scores, which is understandable. I probably failed my english exam.
      My teacher's phone rang and he glanced over in my direction, I grabbed my bag knowing that my Nana was here. The kid next to me looked at me weirdly as the teacher pointed at me.
      I swear I hated his kind of people. The kid, he's a dick outside of classes, and inside them as well. Like to pick on a few people and silently judge everyone, it annoys me so much. Especially when he gives weird looks and comments to Mitsu, let's say I've almost yelled at him a few times.
      I ignored him and went up to my teacher's desk, he pointed towards the door and I nodded.
      "Have a great day Mr. Suzuki. I'll see you on Monday." I waved my hand and headed out the classroom door, my bag hanging off my shoulder as I skipped down the steps, and got a glimpse of my Nana standing by the office.
      She smiled at me and I smiled back. I loved my Nana, she was the greatest person you could ever ask for. Even after everything that happened she still cheers me up when she probably needs it more.
      Her grayish, blue hair was left down, a bit frizzy but never as bad as my hair a few hours after I shower. She wore her usual light orange and white striped shirt with her seashell necklace. She was wearing jeans and her fuzzy gray jacket since it was really cold outside, and she hated the cold more than anything. My quirk really comes in handy for these kinds of situations.
      I raced down the hall and we said goodbye to the office lady, after she signed me out of course. I threw my jacket on as it was colder outside than I expected, and these uniforms did not help warm me up.
     "How was school?" She asked as we walked out the door.
     "It was ok, just like normal. Did Tsumi come today?" Tsumi was my Nana's caretaker, since she doesn't want to retire just yet, she has a caretaker that visits her afterwork to make sure she is alright and takes care of certain chores so Nana isn't overworked.
     She only works during the times I'm in school, when I'm on break or at home full time at any point, I take over. My Nana used to insist on having Tsumi take care of her during those times but I refused. I liked taking care of her, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right.
      "Yes, such a sweet girl. She brought me a bag of pocky and mochi today," She said. "I swear one day I'm going to buy her so much to repay her for what she has done for me."
      Did I mention my Nana was far too nice. Except when you get on her bad side, then she is a literal badass. I had never envied a person more when she told off that worker for calling me something I would not like to repeat.
     "She does do a lot for us, maybe we can collect some money together and buy her some sweets. You make the best rice so I'm sure she would love that too!" We headed to the station, which was just a block from my high school, and got on the train.
    "Wait, do I have to get blood work done? Because I snacked on a few things during the day.." She shook her head, I sighed in relief.
    "They are going to ask a lot of questions though. Your birthday is coming fast and sooner than later they are going to let you go to the office on your own." I don't know how I felt about that. I mean yes, I wanted my Nana to have the least amount of work to be done but at the same time, adults kinda intimidate me.
     "Well, then I'll make sure to remember everything." She nodded as I grabbed onto the pole, and she took a seat. The train was pretty crowded as kids were starting to get off from school, and adults leaving from work.
     "Is Mitsu going to be fine walking home on her own today?" My Nana asked.
     "Yes, she'll be fine. She does it all the time. It's not like it's the first time she's walked home on her own."
     "I was just making sure." My best friend in the whole world, Mitsu Kiyama, was like a second child to my Nana. Ever since we became friends in 2nd grade, she's done everything to make sure the both of us were happy. Especially after what happened earlier before we met, my Nana was so glad I was able to make a friend.
     "I'll text her after the appointment. Will you be happy then?" She rolled her eyes and I laughed.
     "Besides. We were going to head to the park tomorrow. She says she has a new project she wants to show me!" She smiled.
     "And she plans on coming for your birthday next thursday?" She asked.
     "Yep! I honestly can't wait. We're going to have so much fun! Ooh, can we all watch a movie together? I can get some popcorn from the corner store while I'm out tomorrow?" My Nana laughed, I must have been acting like a little kid right now. I felt a little self conscious but I knew no one was really paying attention to me.
     "Yes, we can watch a movie. But you have to pick, it's your birthday, you can't just have Mitsu pick one again."
     "Ok, ok. I'll pick one. But can I still get the popcorn?" I asked.
     "If you pick up some paper towels, then yes." I smiled brightly. I was still really excited for next week. I have always loved celebrating my birthday with my Mitsu and Nana. Just them being there for it made me happy, even though I see them both all the time, it was still fun.

     We arrived about 10 minutes before the appointment, which was pretty uneventful. Just the same old checking up, making sure I could function. Asking questions about my quirk, the other things, how much I eat, sleep. Normal questions. I hardly have to visit the office but when I do it’s either a huge emergency, or it’s just a checkup. Not to mention they prescribed more of the ointment for my burns, since I got them regularly and normal over the counter ointment wouldn’t help.
      They also asked about if I was going to sign up for any hero school, which I told them yes. I could tell they got a little nervous when I said I was planning on signing up for U.A. and that if I didn't get in I would try other hero schools like Shintetsu. They were some of the hero schools that were sort of in the area, or at least I could take the train to without having to get up at 4 or 3 in the morning.
      "Well, then if you plan on going to U.A. You will most likely have to visit the office more often. That school causes some of the worst injuries, thank goodness their nurse is a miracle worker."  I felt a slight shiver go up my spine as she said that. I already get a ton of burns whenever I use my quirk, I didn’t want to know what it would be like if the doctor was worried.
      Afterwards we headed home. It was too late to head out again but we did get take out before arriving home. My Nana is amazing, especially since she got extra rice.
       We ate and I helped clean up while my Nana headed to the bathroom. She always likes to take a short shower before she heads to bed, she says it helps her sleep but I know she does it just because she hates having greasy hair right before bed.
I went upstairs to my room, going straight towards my desk and flopping right into my chair. My room was pretty big, since my Nana is actually pretty rich, we have a really nice house for only two people.
      I had about 10 posters on all four of my walls, all different kinds of things from bands, to book characters, and games. I had a small bookshelf over by the bathroom door and my bed was next to the window, which wasn't made. I really need to get back into the habit of making it, even when I get up late.
I completely forgot I was almost late to meet Mitsu today before school. Which isn't very unusual since it happens about once every week or two, since Nana is already gone for work by the time I need to get up for school, she can't really get me up in the morning unless I want to be up at 4. I also forget to snooze my alarm instead of just cutting it off.
     I placed my phone over by my notebook and took my pencil, playing with it while I spun around in circles. The entrance exams are coming up. I thought, which made me start tapping it against the armrest on the chair.
     I couldn't really do much at the moment to help with that thought. I had already looked over some practice tests for the UA entrance exam that I found online on the web page and pretty much spent weeks trying to perfect my score. And I can't go out since it's already dark. So I couldn't practice for the practical either.
      I pulled out my notes and began reading over the questions and answers for the test, partly paying attention to what I was reading. How come I've studied this so many times but I don't feel like I'm ready? I tapped my pencil a bit harder against the chair.
     I could imagine the kid from my class starting to get pissed off at me, tapping my pencil constantly. It's such a weird habit that I have developed, tapping my fingers, pencil, shaking my leg, fiddling with things. Usually they say it's a sign of ADHD or anxiety. I wouldn't be very surprised if I had the latter one.
It felt like I spent half an hour just scanning the pages and tapping my pencil. By the time I felt like stopping, Nana came in to check up on me. I was reading one of the pages over and over again. The one I had the most difficulty remembering.
     "I swear, everytime I come up here at this exact time you're looking through those same notes." I rolled my eyes as I spun my chair to face her.
     "I know, I know. I just want to be prepared." She smiled, yet it looked a little sad. I could see the sympathy in her eyes, as if what I'm doing is hurting me somehow.
     "Just don't overwhelm yourself, you still have two months before the exam. That's plenty of time to get ready." I nodded.
     "Goodnight!" She said before leaving.
     "Night." I said before she closed the door. I spun back around and set my pencil down, pulling my legs into a crossed leg position. Spinning around in my chain, leaving me in my room with my thoughts. Which was never a good idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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