Chapter 19 - Specialist

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Some time ago

The rumbling of train tracks echoed onwards as I kept silent, slowly moving between each small gap, waiting for the train to pass. Climbing onto the platform, I slouched into one of the small booths taking a few deep breaths. While catching my breath, I pulled together a rough map I had been putting together for quite some time. Marking off this floor, I quickly turned, feeling someone watching me. What I wasn't expecting was Uncle to be watching, leaning against the wall, a sniper resting over his shoulder and a bullet hanging in his mouth. 

I fell from the stand crawling back as he smirked, catching the bullet. "What do you think ya doing, kid? Adrian will not be happy with you trying to escape again."

"Uncle... How did you find me?"

"I've been following you since you left the camp. You've been lucky so far but believe me, you head any further up, and those devils are going to start showing up." He prodded, shaking his head, amused. "They'd tear you apart in seconds with Adrian's gift. Are you prepared to take that sort of risk?"

Slowly rising to my feet, I gave a faint nod building up my courage. "I am; I can't stay here no more. I want to see the world beyond this hell."

"Do you now? Well, don't let me stop you. In fact." Throwing the bullet into the air, the Uncle managed to load it into his rifle, pulling back the bolt. "I'm gonna help you."

"You're what?" I mutter, still feeling completely uneasy. "This is a trick, isn't it? Father set you up to this!"

"Who gives to shits what that man wants from me?!" He barked, aiming his sniper right at me. "Adrian Lowe has no leverage over me, nor can he tell me what to do. But if you want to see the oh so bright and wonderful world we're from, then who am I to deny such youth their dream? I'll help you get to the top. However, you are going to want this more than anything. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Uncle."

"Please, drop that family matters shit. You're Y/N, and I'm Kenneth Blackburn. I played his little roleplay for too long. Now come before those wackjobs come looking."


The last shadow fell as the exit was close at hand. Kenneth walked past, putting his sniper back over his shoulder glancing at me. "Beyond that flight of stairs is the so-called freedom you wish for. It's all yours."

I took serval steps, my heart racing. Stumbling towards my dream, I stopped hearing the click of a gun. Turning, I saw Kenneth pointing a pistol at me. "What are you doing?"

"You just don't get it yet, do you Y/N? What do you hope to find out there? Are you hoping to find a miracle, or maybe the people of that hellhole will just welcome you with open arms? I was hoping you would come to your senses and turn around but no. So." Walking forward, he handed me another pistol forcing it into my hand. "If you want something so badly, you have to take it yourself. No one else will do it for you."

Walking back, Kenneth raised his gun to me again, nodding. Glancing at the gun, I caught onto what he wanted, shaking my head shocked. "I can't do something like that!"

Kenneth laughed, tightening his grip over the trigger. "That's fine then. I'll just pull this trigger and put a stop to your pitiful dream after all. I'm the last one standing in the way of your dream; as my Father taught me so many years ago, you don't let others decide your fate. You grip it with both hands and never look back. So either I kill you here and now, or you kill me and escape. I know you have it in you, Y/N; I have always known it since Adrian founded you. You have the look of a killer. It's eating away at you. Let it out. Kill me and ascend to freedom."

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