How you first met

Start from the beginning

"Ahaha, it was nice- Hey! How do you know my name..?" I asked. His face turned a little red and he awkwardly laughed. "Weeell... I kinda know you from the amount of times you walked in here to get stuff... You looked familiar so I checked my yearbook and I found you!" He explained quickly. I blinked a few times before laughing. "Okay, okay, I have to go now. I'll catch you later, Kel!" I laugh and wave. He snaps out of his embarrassed state, gives me a grin and waves. What a carefree person! (this was based off a true story-)


I lay flat on the floor of the library in college, dying of boredom. Classes were over, and most of my friends are sick and the others just had an argument, so I figured it's best if I don't interfere with their problems. I let out a long, dramatic sigh while sitting back up, my back aching from the floor. Not even the carpeting on the floor prevented my back from giving up on me.

"Are you... alright??" I hear a concerned voice ask. I didn't even bother to see who it was, I just held up a high thumbs up. "Just bored," I groaned. "Ah, I see," It says and I finally turn around to see Hero, quite a popular boy. I honestly didn't care for the populars (sry if you're popular, it's just for the story, I have nothing against you-), although Hero was pretty kind. I got up from the floor and cracked my knuckles. 

"You have friends, right?" Hero asks. "Uhh... Yeah?" I say, not really knowing how to respond to his question. "Why don't you visit them? I'm sure they'd be very happy to see you," He suggests. I shrug. "We're in quite the issue at the moment, so I'm giving us some space," I tell him. "Ah, I know what you mean," He says. "You wanna talk about it?"

After explaining what happened to my friends and such to him, I feel like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. He puts his arm around me. "I'm sure you guys will be okay," He says. It's somewhat comforting. "Thanks," I respond. "Is there anything I can do to perhaps... cheer you up?" He asks. I think for a moment. "Hmm... Being my friend is good enough," I say. "Sounds good to me!" He smiles. And from there, we only got closer.


(this takes place after the incident, basil and y/n are both 15) I was sitting on a bench when I heard a loud scream. It made me drop my phone on the ground. When I picked it up, it had two cracks. "Shoot..." I mumbled and put it in my pocket.

 I got up and tried to remember where the scream had come from. It sounded like it came from in the trees that surrounded the park. I sighed and walked towards it. I walked in between the trees and walked until I found a cool place with a lake. There was a blonde boy with a small pink flower in his hair who was sitting on the ground. A angry looking girl with pink hair was yelling at him. 

"Uhm... I don't wanna get involved in anything, but could you stop yelling at him? I'm sure he did nothing wrong..." I said in a small voice. The pink-haired girl looked at me, closed her eyes and sighed. "Alright then," she calmly said and left. I ran to the boy and sat down in front of him. "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me for a while before slowly nodding.

He had a red mark on his cheek, where I am assuming that pink haired girl had slapped him. "Are you sure? Should I walk you home?" I asked. At that moment, I felt like some sort of overprotective sibling. 

He smiled and laughed. "Okay then," He said. I smiled and helped him up. We talked as we walked. He told me about the girl, who's name is apparently Aubrey, and how they used to be friends. I honestly felt bad for him, because losing friends seriously sucks. Especially when you need them most.

I walked him to his house and he thanked me for accompanying him. "What's your name, by the way?" I asked. His once calm expression quickly turned into a panicked one. "M-me? My name?" He stuttered. "Yeah! We're friends now, right?" I ask. He nods, still surprised. "R-right... I'm Basil..." He sighs. "Oh! Like the plant?" I laugh. "Yeah, like the plant," "I'm y/n by the way," I add. "Hmm... y/n," He mumbles. "Yes?" 
"O-oh! No, I was just- Pronouncing your n-name!" 
"Oh! Alright! I guess I'll see you around, Basil!"


(This takes place before the incident, aubrey and y/n and both 11)

Just a normal day like any other, I'm sitting on the couch watching TV when suddenly I hear faint knocks on my front door. My head perks up and I turn off the tv. I gently opened the door to see a girl with black hair and a pink bow standing in front of my door.

 "Hi... You're probably wondering why I'm here! Well my friend Kel here thinks that this rock is alive. He named it Hector after his pet dog. Are you willing to prove him wrong?" She says. 

I can kinda compare her to the news reporter I just saw on tv. I stand there, kinda stunned by the sudden question, but I continue anyways. "Uhh... A rock?" I say. The boy nods and holds up the rock he named Hector after his pet dog. "Anything is alive if you think about it hard enough!" He exclaims.

"Kel! It's not alive!" The girl scolds. "It is too, Aubrey!"
"I... don't think rocks are alive..." I manage to mutter. 
"Hah! It looks like I'm best and you're the worst!" Aubrey sneers. (If you know that song then marry me rn-)
"NO FAIRRR!!" Kel stomps his foot then looks at me. "Thank you for your time and patience. I would appreciate it if next time you would choose my side," He says and walks away. I awkwardly laugh. "HII! I'm Aubrey! Wanna be friends?" She joyfully exclaims. "Oh! Uhmm.. Sure!" I say without thinking. "Yay!" She says and leaves. That was probably the weirdest encounter in my life.


(well duh this takes place before the incident) It was a quiet day. Almost too quiet. I was walking home from school when suddenly, a girl with black hair came running- no- sprinting up to me. "Heeeyyyyyyy!" She yells. I quickly turn my head and see a girl from school named Mari running up to me. I stop and wave. 

"Hi??" I almost question. She smiles radiantly and holds out her hand. "I'm Mari. You're y/n, right?" She pants. "Yeahh..." I say. "I heard *pant pant* you like *pant* piano?" She wheezes. "Oh! Yeah! I do," I respond happily. She finally catches her breath. "Yesssss! I do too! Wanna practice together?" She enthusiastically asks. 

"Sure," I accept casually and walk with her to her house. "Sooo... How do you know I play piano?" I ask. "Oh! That... I saw you after school in the music room! You were playing a song... I don't know what it was but it was pretty,"

"You- you did?!" I exclaim. I didn't even know!
"Ehehe... sorry..." 
"No no no, it's okay," I said. She gives me a warm smile and we continue walking. This Mari girl gives me really good vibes. 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Whew! This took a lot of time to write! Super sorry if the characters are ooc, its hard to write multiple characters at once. also sorry if i overuse words like "say" "said" , etc. 

requests are still open!! love u <3

2006 words

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