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About 10 minutes later I was getting yelled at to get in the car ugh mothers!!! Then on the way to Rachel's house we were talking about the prom, 5 minutes later we pulled up to her house. Relived I unbuckled and shot out the car like....well I dont know what like. . . . Whatever, I got to the door rang the doorbell and knocked twice. Rachel came bursting out looking just as relived as I did. Before we got in the car we hugged and our mom's took pictures. Oh I forgot to mention Rachel has a boyfriend and he is going to be there. I really dont like that.

~ Flashback two years ago~

Me and Rachel were going to lunch and one my other friend Louis ( who isnt friends with Rachel but there not enemies ethier ) comes up to us and looks at Rachel. He says " Rachel I love you " then he gently kisses her on the cheek. He asks her to be his girlfriend and shockingly Rachel says " I thought you would never ask "

~End Of Flashback~

Authors Note,
Sorry I know this is a realy short part but trust me I already have a great part planned out.

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