Mafia not devil

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Sitting on the royal couch of black mamba's glorious palace, i stared at the papers scattered across the table with a disinterested look

I kept zoning out of reality

Strange, this had never happened before

I was someone who had always been enthusiastic to work

Someone who had no time to even think about something else when i used to be in my work's vicinity

But today was different

My mind kept darting back to the only women who managed to sway away my heart mind and soul

Since the moment i had seen her, i had wanted her to he mine

I knew it would be a difficult task because she was baldy trapped in web of lies laid by kabir

Oh i had known kabir's reality since the last 5 years yet i kept ignoring him because i knew that kabir was a thundercloud that can't do anything except roaring

But the moment i got to know that he was using this innocent beauty, i had sworn upon my dead mother that i would save her no matter what, even if i had to give up my life

I just had to wait for the right moment and the right moment came when kabir asked her to pay the price of her love

What a bastard

And she being scared of being deprived of the only thing she had wanted ever since she was born,love, agreed to that scumbag's demand

Kabir thought that she was walking on the path of her own death,

What he didn't knew that i had vowed to glorify each and every path she took

She thought that i was the one trapping her

I don't blame her though,

She couldn't see the cage of fake love that kabir had built around her

What she saw was VR mansion, a cage that took all her freedom and trapped her badly

If only she knew at that time that it was for her own safety

I had not intended to reveal kabir's truth to her on our wedding day

I had seen how kabir had placed a gun at his temple and literally blackmailed her into agreeing to the marriage

As that bastard climbed off the wall and left, i wanted her to run away

I wanted her to choose herself

She had the door for the freedom wide open but she came back

And that was the moment I decided that it was time for her to know the reality

She cannot keep someone else above her at all

I wont lie, i was a little screw it, whom am i even lying, i was scared to death that she would believe kabir over me, but she finally used some brain cells that were surprisingly left in her and finally removed the blindfold of kabir's fake love

At that moment i had not even imagined even in my wildest dreams that she would offer me to become her friend with benefits

I know she was attracted towards me

Several times i had seen her throw an internal fight between her heart and mind

Her heart screaming that she wants me

But her mind nudging her to choose duty over love

But now she was finally free from all the webs

Just friends with benefits ?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora