Chapter 4

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After closing the door, leaving the cop taking watch outside, you let out a long felt exhausted, and you still felt hard to believe everything that had happened to you in the last few just wanted your life to be back to normal, no Russian mafia threat, no cops watching over you, no handsome Irish brothers that were some sort of vigilante mafia hunters...

Speaking of which, you heard two voices coming from your balcony, seeming to be arguing in some language that wasn't English...Letting out another sigh, you headed to the balcony and opened the curtain, finding the two Irish brothers arguing outside, and they turned to look at you.

"Maybe you want to speak a bit louder so the cop outside my door can hear you?" You said. "Very subtle."

"Sorry, lass, but my brother keeps getting' on my nerves," Murphy said, shoving his brother with his shoulder just to get shoved back.

"It's ye who get on my nerves...what did the cop say, lass?"

"The other one did what you said, turned himself in," you said, and Connor nodded, seeming pleased as he gave his brother a smug look. "They're going to keep watch over me for a few days to see if the Russians try something or if they do believe that I'm...not a problem anymore."

"Aye...aye, good." Connor turned to look at his brother again. "See, lass is safe, we can go now."

"We don't know if she's safe!" Murphy said. "Cops are right, gotta wait to see if the Russians believe it or not, or if they wanna go for her again or not..."

"She's got a police car outside her building and a cop at her door, she's fine," Connor retorted.

"Fine? Ye think those three cops can stop the Russians if they come...they'll eat them," Murphy scoffed. "And see what happened with that other cop..."

Connor rolled his eyes at his brother and looked at you. "See, lass, my brother wants us to still stay here watchin' over ye like the cops are doin'."

"So...planning on hiding on my balcony again?" You joked still felt a bit odd about it, but it was also kind of nice from Murphy, really wanting to make sure that you were alright.

"Nah, lass!" He rushed to say. "I was gonna tell ye...and if ye want to, we'll leave."

"We gotta leave anyway," Connor said. "Lass is safe, we dealt with the corrupt cop, we told the Russians she's dead, she's got all those other cops watching over her," he repeated. "We got work to do."

"Killing mafia, right?" You deadpanned but Connor seemed unfazed by it.

"Aye, lass, that is, our God given mission... and so no other lass gets hurt by those assholes."

You still weren't sure of how you felt about all their killing, but when he put it in those words, that they were stopping more people from getting hurt by the mafia...the God given thing still sounded kind of insane, though.

"Well...I won't be stopping you from keeping going with your god given mission, then." You couldn't stop them even if you wanted, you were pretty sure of that. You weren't sure if you'd want to stop it or not, though. "I just hope it won't involve me any longer."

"I'm sure it won't, lass, ye were just collateral damage 'cause my brother was careless," Connor said, earning a shove from Murphy. "We'll get out of yer hair now...come on." He nodded to his brother to follow him down the fire escape, but Murphy didn't move, still seeming reluctant.

"What if we split?" He suggested, making Connor turn around to frown at him. "Ye go and I stay here and make sure the lass is okay?"

"Split?" Connor looked at his brother like he'd gone crazy.

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