Gripping a hand over her thumping heart Tory immediately got up and ran away.

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Tory spent nearly a week in her apartment reliving the memory over and over again whilst she search for a new, safer job on Indeed and LinkedIn. Although she was physically hurt, more mental and psychological damage had been done to her; every sound outside of the thin walls of her apartment frightened her and even in sleep she couldn't escape. Tory didn't even feel like going to Cobra Kai practices as all her knowledge about fighting hadn't even served her that well when she needed it the most. However, she had received multiple calls and texts from Robby, Piper, Kyler, some of the other students and even Sensei Kreese, the last one said if she didn't show up tomorrow he would come to her apartment and drag her there.

Tory sighed looking in the mirror she supposed her facial injuries were healed enough, she could cover the remaining bits with make-up and her other injuries with a full length top and Cobra Kai hoodie.

/ /

The next day Tory showed up at the Cobra Kai dojo right before practice started so she wouldn't be subjected to any questions whilst they waited for practice to start.

Sensei Silver had brought in some new recruits for the dojo. "Ms. Nichols, why don't you test to see if their Cobra Kai material. It will also help me determine if your week off has caused you to fall behind the rest of the class." Silver announced cruelly causing some of the Cobra Kai students to gasp at his suggestion. Tory simply glared at the tall man in annoyance until Robby tapped her on the arm and shook his head knowing it wasn't worth challenging Silver.

The first recruit Silver had picked for Tory to fight was the largest, obviously part of Silver's test. The recruit was very muscular and looked like a football player.

The cobras had all taken their place around the square mat to watch. Tory bowed as the recruit smirked at her bent over position before Kreese yelled "Aits!"

Tory struck first swinging a hook and side kick at him, he dodged the first but the second landed. "Point." Kreese called. Tory followed with a reverse punch and a spinning front kick, driving the recruit back. "Point!" Kreese shouted pleased at her demonstration.

So far, Tory had been moving so quickly that the untrained fighter did not even have time to counter let alone strike back. Also, he had some reservations about fighting a small, female opponent but was beginning to realise she could hit harder than a lot of his football opponents. As the third round began he decided to strike back and one lucky hit to where Tory had previously been injured sent her falling to the ground. The recruit sat on top of Tory holding her down - but her didn't sit over her abdomen like the take down position, instead he deliberately straddled her hips and pressed in. "I could get used to this." He smirked down at Tory who's facial expression was turning from furious to terrified. It was no secret that Tory was hot as hell and the hormonal male students in the dojo had made a few passes at her but had been cruelly shot down by the Queen Cobra and had all quickly learned to fear her, so much that they would never try anything again. Plus, now they would also have to deal with another scary Cobra Kai student who they all knew had a thing for Tory and vice versa. Speaking of, Robby looked absolutely murderous as Tory pushed back against the recruit's face turning it to the side.
"She's gonna snap his neck." Silver muttered to Kreese with real nerves in his voice.
"Uh huh." Kreese muttered watching with interest as he tried to figure out why Tory had clammed up during the fight and was now acting on survival instincts. Scoffing at Keeese's apparent self-destructive business tendencies Silver loudly called out "Okay, break it up!" The new recruit listened having begun to get scared of the girl and lifted himself off of Tory allowing her to pull her legs in underneath him and kick him back with full force the same way she had done to her attacker.

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