Shuri stays quiet.

T'challa: "I believe you hit right on the money"
Shuri: "whatever"
Shuri then walks over to three mannequins, One wears T'Challa's Current suit. Another with a golden panther tooth necklace, and the last just a panther tooth Necklace.
Shuri: "If you're going to take on Klaue you'll need the best the Design Group has to offer"
Shuri points at T'Challa's current suit.
Shuri: "Exhibit A. Old tech"

Y/n: "pfft!-"
T'challa: "Old..?"

Shuri: "Functional, but old. ”Eh, people are shooting at me, wait let me put
          on my helmet”!"

T'Challa smiles, amused, while y/n was laughing his butt off.
T'challa: "Enough.."

Y/n: "no, no, keep going"

Shuri: "Now look at these"

T'Challa spots a gaudier gold tooth necklace.
Shuri: "Do you like that one?"

Y/n: "looks like a bit much"
T'challa: "Tempting . But the idea is to not be noticed. This one"

Shuri uses her Kimoyo beads to sync the suit to T'Challa.
Shuri: "Now tell it to go on"
T'Challa does as told, and without warning, millions of vibranium laced nanites spill from the necklace and form a new black panther suit around the mannequin.
Shuri: "Oooh! ! The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace"

Y/n: "that is absolutely amazing"

Shuri: "thank you. Now strick it"
T'challa: "Anywhere?"
Shuri: "Mhm"
T'Challa turns to the mannequin in a relaxed fighting stance. Shuri nods and T'Challa spin kicks the mannequin.
Shuri: "Not that hard, genius!"
T'challa: "You told me to strike it, you
          didn't say how hard"
Shuri picks the mannequin back up and drags it over to the same spot.
Shuri: "I invite you to my lab, and you just kick things around"

Y/n: "I agree. Maybe not hit that hard?"

T'challa: "Well maybe you should make it a little stronger, eh?"
Shuri shrugs as Wakandan Script built into the suit glowing indigo where the impact of T'Challa's foot landed. T'Challa then looks closely at the glowing script.
T'challa: "Wait a minute"
Shuri: "The nanites absorb the kinetic energy and hold it in place for redistribution"
Y/n: "I take back what I said before. That is amazing"

T'challa: "Very nice"
Shuri: "Now strike it again , in the same spot"
T'Challa backs up for a kick. Shuri presses record on her Kimoyo. T'Challa sees this and looks at her suspiciously, while y/n, who stood next to her, looked confused.
T'challa: "You are recording?"
Shuri: "For research purposes.."
T'Challa loads up then BOOM He kicks the indigo spot and goes flying backwards across the room , crashinginto a tab full of Shuri's gadgets. Shuri cracks up, as y/n literally falls to the floor in laughter.
T'challa: "Delete that footage!"

Y/n: "h-holy crap man! You got owned by a freaking mannequin!! Oh my gosh! I wish I record that!"

Shuri: "I'll send you the recording later"

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