Stephen Arden One Shot

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(A/N) This one shot is partly a song-fic but the it might go perfectly in time with the song. Also, there's a bit of cursing here so please don't read this if you aren't comfortable with that. I tried to make the reader as gender neutral as possible. If you spot any errors, feel free to comment them! This also uses a few scenes from the original Species (1995) I do not own any of the characters.)

Finally, the great adventure came to end. The cut off thumb found at the car crash matched with Sil's DNA. She had killed herself in the attempt to escape. Although, you did agree with Press... it had been too easy. Since, you really couldn't provide any evidence that she was still alive, you let the situation go.

You sat at the hotel's club with the gang, doing some small talk. Although, you were mostly listening and stealing glances from Stephen.

Laura turned to Press, "Hey, wanna dance?""Who me?" he asked. "Yeah you," she responded, playfully imitating his low tone. They stood up, headed for the dance floor. Stephen watched them slightly disappointed in his own inability of finding someone to spend the night with.

"Those two need to get a f*cking room," you said, nonchalantly as you sipped your drink. You continued to munch on a few treats, not really feeling like getting drunk tonight as you watched the atmosphere.

You freeze for a second as you see Laura return to the table after dancing, grab her purse, and leave, as Press sat at the table.

"What do you call this?" Dan asked. "It's called a Long Island Iced Tea," Stephen responded. "It's got tea in it?" Dan asked again while inspecting his drink, earning a laugh from Press and a smile from Stephen... and you loved that darn smile.

"I like this tea," Dan said out of the blue, already tipsy. "That's great." Stephen laughed. "What? I like these cups of tea, man." Dan said laughing along, unknowingly drinking alcohol. He lifted his cup and clinked it with Stephen's, Press's, and then your own. He could be very oblivious sometimes.

"You guys, I'm tired. I'm going to bed," You heard Laura say as she came back to the table and left. You lifted one eyebrow at Press.

"So... she's going to bed," Dan tells Press. "I guess so," he responds.

"She still... wants to see you," Dan says.Press hesitates at standing up.

"Dude, seriously. Even I can feel the sexual tension between you two from a mile away," you urged him.

"I'll see if you're right about that Sherlock, Dan." Press responded and stood up to follow Laura.

"Dan, Dan," Stephen caught his attention, "Those two over there. Bet they like unusual men like us." You turned your head over to where Stephen had pointed, your heart suddenly clenching with slight jealousy. 

"Women think I'm strange," Dan said, "I don't feel well," he added. Hm. Maybe that's why he said he didn't drink.

"Don't be silly," Stephen responded. "Just go over there and talk to 'em." "I have to go. And I think you should both leave with me, okay?" Dan said while looking at you as well.

Stephen Arden x Detective! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now