Chapter 9

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Yu Chen walks gloomily in the university with his friend Zan Jin who is looking at him worriedly but angrily at the same time, because Yu Chen has been like this for almost a week, all quiet and sad and bored and....bad???

"Hey! Look In Front Of You!!". He said almost shouting at a girl dumped him by mistake, she apologizes and run away. Zan Jin sighed and stop him.

"Yu Chen you don't have to behave like that, you are making everyone afraid of You".


"So STOP Doing This! It's Really Hard To Walk With You While You Are Like This". He scolds him but that didn't affect him.

"Then don't walk with me, get lost". He said coldly and walk away, Zan Jin look at him all shocked and shout at him.

"Fine!! I Will Not!! Fix That Behavior Of Yours First!!". He walks the other side angrily and Yu Chen just shakes his head and walk to his class alone.

After the classes finished, Yu Chen walked to the apartment feeling all heavy, he arrived and said "I'm Home" slowly, he stopped when he didn't reserve a response, he felt lonely as he imagined Xuan Lu's voice replying to him, he sighed and walk to his room and lay on his bed, he takes his phone out and call Zan Jin.

"What?? Want a Phone Fight Now??". Zan Jin said angrily as soon as he picks up.

"No~ I'm Sorry about what I said, but can you buy some dinner?".

"The Hell? Why Should I??".

"I'm not feeling well, please I want to eat something before drinking my medicine".

"Do you have fever??". Yu Chen touched his forehead.

"Ummm~ I don't know, but I feel heavy and cold, just come the door is open".

"Ok Ok I will come".


He hung up and throw his phone away, after half an hour, he opens his eyes when he smells something, he gets up slowly from his bed and leave the room to see Zan Jin preparing the food on the table.

"Oh, you are up? How Do You Feel??". He asked and Yu Chen just sit on the chair.

"Not Good, I will eat". He starts eating while Zan Jin looking at him, he places his hand on his friend's forehead and frowned.

"It's So High Yu Chen! Eat Fast So You Can Drink Your Medicine!". Zan Jin said panicky, and Yu Chen just eat slowly while closing his eyes.

After taking care of his friend and making sure he is fine, Zan Jin return to his home and call Mian Mian.

"Yes Zan Jin?".

"Hi, sorry to call you at this hour, but Yu Chen is sick".

"Is he ok??".

"Not really, he's been acting weird for the whole week, I will stay with him until he gets better".

"Ok, take care of him well, and tell me when he gets better, if you need any help just tell me".

"Ok~". He hung up and sighed.

"Man~ Telling me to tell her everything about Yu Chen now is something weird, is she your mother? Even your own mother is not like that".

He takes his stuff and return to Yu Chen's apartment. On the other hand, Yu Chen was laying on the bed looking at his phone to a certain number, he presses it and wait until it picked.


"............". Hearing this voice makes him return the memory of so many things he wanted to forget.

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