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-Elizabeth's POV-

I was hesitant to open before I did. I couldn't just let him hang there outside my window...

Pulling my window open, Meliodas quickly climbed inside.

"W-what are you doing here? G-go away, I don't want you near me!"

"Elizabeth, stop this behaviour."

"N-no! L-leave me alone! I-I hate you!"

"No! You stop this Elizabeth! I have tried to be patient and wait for you to adjust! I have given you chances, but you just act like this instead! If you don't do as I say from now on, I will hurt one of your family members."

"N-n-o, I-I will call the police! I-I don't want to be with y-you ever! I hate you!"

Suddenly, he pinned me to the wall.

"This is your last chance. If you don't do as I say and treat me the way I want to, I will hurt someone."

"N-no! Let me be! I hate you! I hate you!" I yelled. Suddenly, mother's voice was heard "Elizabeth, I heard scream-"

"Fine, if that's what you really want." Meliodas said, letting go of me. I fell to the floor, new tears in my eyes. I looked up at Meliodas who was finally leaving, just to see him walk up to my mom instead.

"W-what ar-"

My eyes widened when he stabbed mother in the chest with a knife. I didn't have any words. She fell to the floor, her skin colour fading and not moving much. My eyes widened as I watched blood sipping out on the floor. Her breathing became slower and she tried to take breaths. I was stunned and didn't know what to do. I just watched her a minute, then two, then three. Time went so slow, but my mind still couldn't progress it.

My tears flowed down my face as I immediately crawled up to her and hugged her when I did realize what happened.

I held her tightly in my embrace, mumbling "N-no, m-mother... d-don't leave me." while crying hysterically.

"I hope you do as I say now Elizabeth, before I have to hurt someone else too." I heard Meliodas, but I just ignored him and cried. Feeling mother's warm body turn cold.

. . . . .

I heard something hit the floor, making me look at father at the stairs.

"What happened?!" He asked, running up to me and checked mother's pulse.

"S-s-she w-was s-s-stabbed... i-in the chest..." I cried, continuing to hug mother's cold body. Her blood had already stained my jeans.

Father came and hugged me, with a shaky voice, asking "W-Who did this?"

"M-m-" I tried to say his name, but it was too hard, too horrible to say it. I really hate him. I hate him for doing this.

"I-I'm going to call the police."

I nodded as he left me alone with mother again.

. . . . .

Father picked me up, pulling me away from mother as some policemen went over to her body.

I just watched them pulling on their gloves before starting to work. Then I was placed in a car and we drove away.

. . . . .

I was crying and hugging father in the hotel we was staying in. I hate this, I hate Meliodas. He killed the one person that wanted me, that took care of me and loved me.

Father do love me and takes care of me, but mother was the one who actually wanted to adopt me. She loved for me a way father can't. She took care of me a way father can't.

She was the one I always could talk to, like when I got my first period and got into puberty. I could talk to her when I was stressed.

The only reason I didn't tell her about Meliodas before was because it's something she can't make me feel better about... but I should have told her before... maybe if I did, she wouldn't be dead...

Maybe I wouldn't even need to be his girlfriend or anything, she would be alive and I would be happy...

My phone was ringing and father wiped away my tears.

"Is it your friends? They might have heard of what happened?" He asked, making me pick it up to look at who it was.


"I have to leave you a while now. I have to pick up Veronica and Margaret, they both end their school soon." Father said and left. I just looked at my phone, not knowing if I should accept the call or not...

He told me to treat him the way he wanted... I have to do as he says... or he might kill someone else I care about...


"Elizabeth, I just wanted to see how you are feeling now. It was a couple hours ago she died. Are you still sad?"

I stayed quiet. Is that even a question? Of course I'm sad! I loved mother. She was the kindest person I knew and he killed him.

"I-I'm going t-to say i-it was you... a-and have you a-arrested..."

"No you won't, well, if you want your dad to survive... It's your choice, tell someone it was me and kill him or save him by keeping quiet and do as I say?"

"I-... I-... I-I-"

I didn't know what to do... This was scary... I don't want father to die, but if I don't confess, it all can end up worse...

"I-I w-will keep quiet..."

"Good girl. Do you want to come over and be comforted? Or do you want me to come to you?"

"I-I'm f-fin-"

"Where are you?"


"Tell me. Now."

"O-okay, I-I'm a-at the hotel-"

"I'm on my way, just send me which and I'm there soon." He said and hung up.

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