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«I guess I am sorry for your parents, I totally forgot I did that. I don't remember pretty well that night, I suppose we were pretty drunk, weren't we?.» Zayn replied, smiling awkwardly. 

He found himself on the porch of his private place. «Oh, I didn't realise how long we've walked. Wanna see it on the inside?» Zayn added, inviting Harry to his own housing. 

He truly didn't realise they were close, he found himself quite lost, even though he knew that place. He was aware that the housing was messy, but an artist's studio can't be perfect. Zayn put a hand under a vase of flowers and grabbed the key.

Harry nodded and they got inside. They still had their glasses in their hands, so Zayn moved a few things from a desk and put them on it. Harry had his eyes checking everything inch to inch. 

He put his bag on the floor and walked barefoot on the wood. Everything was made of light wood, but there were canvas, colours and spray cans everywhere...

«Everything is wonderful here,» Harry exclaimed with honesty. Zayn couldn't keep himself from smiling, he had put a great effort into all of his pieces of art, so it was nice to know that someone liked them.

 «Oh and.. is that the painting you just sold?» Harry asked, focusing on the graffiti on the wall with the window. The painting had a sunrise on the background, while on that wall Zayn had painted the man in a way that made him look like he was staring outside the window. And a couple of meters behind there was a couch.

 Harry made himself fall on it and, as he landed, he patted it to indirectly ask Zayn to sit next to him.

«Yeah, it is. It's just a man who watches at the sky: dawn, sunrise, clouds, he faces everything. And he even glows in the dark, I put a special material on that.» Zayn explained to him, pointing out the details as he leaned in from the couch.

«Now I am regretting my purchase, this is way better,» Harry replied, then shut his mouth, covering it with both of his hands. He was supposed to buy it secretly but he had just confessed everything. Ops.

«I didn't know you were interested in my artworks,» Zayn exclaimed, truly surprised by that piece of news.
«Now you do,» Harry stated. Zayn smiled at him and rested his head on a cushion.

«I remember quite well that night,» Harry confessed a few minutes later, breaking through the silence. They had been quiet looking at the ceiling, which was painted in blue, with a few clouds looking quite smoky, and yellow birds flying over the stars.

«What?» Zayn exclaimed making a weird face as he turned to look directly at Harry.
«I remember that we were playing hide and seek, it was your turn to be blindfolded and you had to find me, I was the only one left.» He said.

«And did I find you?» Zayn asked.
«Yeah. I had hid under my father's constellations map.» Harry replied, placing his hands over Zayn's eyes.

«What a-are you do-doing?» Zayn stuttered.
«Just showing what happened that night.» Harry comforted him, pressing his lips onto Zayn.
Those lips were soft and a bit wet, since Zayn used to lick a lot his lips while talking, instead Harry's were a little drier and stronger. 

He took advantage of Zayn's surprised expression to get his tongue into his mouth, licking Zayn's tongue. He tasted like peaches, probably because of the Bellini he had drunk. 

His hands left Zayn's eyes and went through his dark hair. Zayn couldn't help himself but kissing him back. Harry tasted like cranberry, a delicious sweet taste that made Zayn want more and more of him.

When they separated, Harry's lips were burning red, due to Zayn's bites in between kisses.
«Actions speak louder than any word,» Harry stated, kissing Zayn once again, just to prove him that it wasn't a mistake, but he truly meant that.

 Harry found himself kissing Zayn's smile and caressing his cheek: Zayn looked like a happy puppy that could totally make his heart melt.

Harry remembered how he had felt while kissing him the first time. If back then he had made it because he was drunk and seeking bullshit to do, in that moment, he was being completely honest with himself.

During the past years, he had learnt to get to know people's secrets by making them talk, asking them the right questions to make them open up as they never thought it could be possible.
But, with Zayn, it was different: he didn't need to talk, the fact that he kissed him back, that he wanted more and more, meant everything. That was louder than words.

Harry was sure that even though he had waited for years to know if his feelings were real, it was so delightful to be that close to him, to have Zayn's smile attached to his cheek.

Right before anyone of them could speak, Zayn's phone rang. He had got a phone call from Gigi, telling him that people were asking about him and wanted to talk to him.

So, he waved awkwardly at Harry and left, still talking on the phone, while Harry sat on the sofa, smiling at himself.

When Zayn got back to the party, some people were waiting for him. Zayn thought it was boring stuff and he wanted to go away.

«I know I am asking you a lot, but could you cover me up please? I really need to go home,» he asked Gigi in a moment they were left alone.

«Sure but.. are you okay?» she replied, looking worried.
«Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. Just need some time,» he said and, before leaving, he kissed her cheek.

 «Oh and.. is Liam still here?» he stopped a few steps further.
«We were talking right before you got here, so I guess he's somewhere around here,» she replied, turning her head to look for his friend.

«Okay, okay, I'll call him,» he said walking still barefoot on the grass up to the palace.
Zayn took his phone out of the pocket of his trousers and typed Liam's name in order to call him. He heard heavy noises in the microphone.

«Hey, Zayn, where are you? This party is the best ever, I am loving the music and the people you invited..»

«I didn't invite anyone of them, just you, as usual. Listen, mate, I need to talk to you. Can you come inside? I'm on my way to my room.» Zayn asked him and Liam agreed right after.

10 minutes later, Liam was knocking on his door.

«Hey, you got me worried. Everything's fine?» he asked heavily breathing.
«Yeah, I am. Just happened something I needed to tell someone.» Zayn replied.
«Sure, tell me,» Liam said sitting on Zayn's sofa.

Zayn had changed his clothes, he was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.
«I kissed Harry Styles.» he opened up.
«ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?» Liam yelled at him.
Zayn looked at him awkwardly.

«What the fuck, mate, shhh. And yes, it happened half an hour ago. We were walking on the beach and we got to my housing, we were talking about my art and he said he still had a wall spray-painted by me at his 16s party and well, he showed me what else happened that night. It was just a kiss, however.»

«However? Zayn, you are speaking like you wanted something more to happen... Are you serious? Do I have to remind you that you are going to marry Gigi next weekend?» Liam wondered and Zayn lost all of his hype.

«Yeah, I know. But we both know we don't love each other, it makes no sense.» Zayn replied. «I like her, she is a nice person and she could be a great friend, but there's nothing more. I am not even saying that because I love Harry since we were sixteen, cause yeah, I remember that night, but I tried my best to forget about it cause we were both drunk and I was blindfolded, but my pinned thought was and has always been since then Harry. But it is the truth: I like Harry more than I'll ever like Gigi.»

«But your grandfather can't rule anymore, he's old now, he must stop. You can't be that selfish. If you don't marry now and let your grandpa rule for more, someday you'll have to marry anyway, if you want to take his place when he passes away, hoping it will happen later as possible, obviously.»

 Liam said, painting a clear and true painting of the reality. It hit Zayn like he had been slapped in the face.

«Wow. That sounds rude. But it's not you, it's the truth, you are right.» Zayn told himself, more than Liam. He closed his eyes, trying to hold some tears and lost himself in the hug of his best friend.

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