The Ex

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"You've been going out a lot lately" Shun's dad commented "I hope it's not girls--"

"Honey" his wife stopped him "We barely eat breakfast together, can we just eat peacefully?"

"I'm just reminding him. I thought he was just messing around with those models, the next thing I know he's crazy in love with this girl. She broke up with him and he started acting as if he can't live without her. How pathetic. She's not the only bitch in the w--"

"Don't call her that!" said Shun "She have a name"

"Oh yes. She does... and I was sick of hearing it every night when you cry in your room or when you're drunk! I need Lalice. I want Lalice. Come back to me Lalice. Don't leave me Lalice. What else--"

"Shut Up!"

"Stop it you two!"

"I lost my appetite" Shun wiped his mouth with the table napkin, he looked at his dad and said "I wish I didn't listen to you, maybe things would have been different" his mother tried to stop him but he insisted to leave

"Where are we going sir?" his driver named John asked him

He's been helping him find the girls Shun hooked up with without telling his parents

"Just please look at the list, we're going to each and everyone of them. We won't stop until I find her" 

"Okay sir"

He drove 25 miles away to meet with his other ex

"What do you want from me?" she said while crossing her arms across her chest

"I am here to apologize"

She looked surprised.

He was actually expecting that look because he got the same reactions from the girls he talked to before her


"What do you mean why?"

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I know what I did was wrong and because of her, I felt the same pain that I made you and the other girls feel... I regret it a lot and I swear to myself that I will never ever do that again" 

He practiced his script and he's proud because it's working on her

He continued "I will understand if you don't believe me because what I did was unforgivable but I will show you that I've changed"

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