31- We'll see about that one

Start from the beginning

"Yeah you're telling me."

"So... what's gonna happen now ?" Summer asked, not bothering to lift her head from its position sunken in her hands.

I had no idea. Not the slightest clue. I didn't even know how our story was gonna play out the first time I met him, let alone now. After spending two years trying to tell myself I didn't really care about him, that I was trying to hard to cling to something so short lived and too long ago, but even when I'd lost my mum or been hit by my dad again, there was still a craving in my mind to fall into his arms again. They were the only pair I knew to fit me the way they did, but I knew they fit someone else just as well at the same time.

"I don't know. He said he was gonna ring me, but I'm not entirely sure how this is gonna play out. Whatever happens, it can't be what it was. It's gonna be friends or nothing."

"We'll see about that one doll." Julian sniggered.


And of course when I was simply sat on the same old sofa with Toulouse by my side, thinking once again of the same drummer, as if the timing was impeccable, the phone rang.

I knew who it was instantly, and was a lot more hesitant in answering that I used to be when waiting for his call. I didn't know if it was one worth answering, a conversation really worth having. It made little sense as to why I would decide to talk to him and even possible see him again, but I knew I would regret it if I didn't. So I did answer the phone, almost too quickly after the first ring.


"Wow... I really didn't think you were gonna answer." Roger chuckled nervously. "Um, how've you been ?"

"Not too bad. What about you ?"

"Yeah nothing interesting." He sighed almost, welcoming only a short lived yet still tense silence between us. It gave me a chance to really think about who I was on the phone to in that moment, and try and let the reality so desperate to stay distant really sink in. "I was just wondering if you uh, wanted to get a drink down Charlie's... have a proper catch up ? It's been a couple years."

That was when I started to think this was more than just a little crazy, it was ridiculous. He'd asked me for a drink, in the same bar we'd met, the same bar he'd falsely told me he loved me in, and the same bar we both sat in trying to drink our sorrows away. I was more than just shocked, and needed more than just a second to think about what I was undeniably going to agree to.

I couldn't say no to him, no matter how much I knew my future self would much prefer I did. I never was able to, and unfortunately not everything between us had changed. Only the things I missed the most seemed to be a memory, and what I often remembered to be a part of me and him I wish I could bury was stepping forward with us both.

"This is literally ridiculous... but I really can't see why not." I chuckled a little, my palm pressed against my forehead as the cat brushed past my leg.

"I'll pick you up in about an hour if you want...?" He asked with more nerve than he used to. I could definitely see why the confidence had been so easily stripped from him, but that didn't mean he didn't sound somewhat odd without it. If anything it was a part of who he was, and nothing was quite the same if they were missing something so vital.

"Yeah. Ok. But... is this the right thing to do Roger ? I mean-"

"Look Adelynn there's a good chance it isn't. There's a fair chance us seeing each other the other day wasn't the right thing either. But I don't exactly remember what we did before to be the right thing. So don't let this be different. Let this be what it's supposed to be, wether that means we never talk again after this or we don't see each other again." Roger replied, his words sounding certain but his tone sounding hesitant.

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