Cleo's missing. I turned to Rikki. Of course. We'll come over quickly. I turned off my phone. Rikki we have to go. Cleo's missing?

Together we ran to Cleo's house. Rikki knocked quick and loud on the front door. God I know I had a bad feeling. I hope Cleo's okay. Please let the baby be okay too?

The front door opened and Mr. Sectori sat there looking so worried. Oh I thought you were Cleo. We walked into the house and saw Kim on the stairs looking worried. I wouldn't blame her. If Elliott was gone I would be worried sick. I wouldn't know what to do?

We called everyone. Rikki told them. No one has seen her. She would never do something like this. I hope she's okay. Mr. Sertori began to pace. I'm going to go call the police. He walked out the room with Kim following him?

Maybe she went to Mako. Rikki thought out loud. Well let's hope so. Together we ran out the house and went to the beach and dove into the water. We swam around Mako but we didn't see her. We looked at every rife and the cave but she was nowhere to be seen?

God Cleo where are you. We swam for hours just looking. We found nothing and the sun was setting causing it to be too hard to see. We swam to the beach and walked along it calling out her name. We never found her?

Cleo where are you. Rikki yelled out. Look Rikki let's call it a break today and pick up in the morning when the sun's up. She wouldn't take off like that. Who knows maybe she will come home in the morning. Rikki gave me a look. And what if she doesn't. What if she hurt or something happened. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to her or the baby. We can't stop looking. I sighed and wrapped my arm around her?

We won't stop looking. Look Rikki I'm scared too. More than anything. Cleo is my best friend and I feel like I'm letting her down but we need sleep and the next morning we come out here and look for her. I promise we will find her. She nodded and we walked to her house. I called my mom and told what was happening. She said I could stay over. She said she would keep a look out for her?

The Next Morning?

Lewis's POV?

I was walking to The Juice Net when I noticed a mom carrying her young daughter. They smiled at each other when the young girl's dad came over and took her and put her on his shoulders. Just looking at that made my chest hurt. Once I thought I would have a future like that with Cleo but that dream was crushed before it could begin?

She told me I was smothering her. Please. I bet she was cheating on me way before that. She just couldn't tell me the truth. Well good riddance with her. I hope she gets what's coming to her. I was in front of Juice Net when I heard my name being called?

I turned around and saw Rikki and Emma running towards me. They both looked worried. I bet they knew too. They all lied to me. What do you guys want. I have to meet Charlotte the only person who doesn't lie to me for once?

Lie to you. What are you talking about. Rikki demanded. And more with the lies. I know that Cleo's pregnant guys. She cheated on me and you didn't even tell me. What types of friends are you. They both looked at me confused. Lewis what are you talking about. Emma demanded?

I rolled my eyes. Don't play dumb. Charlotte told me everything. Cleo was already seeing someone else even before we broke up. Cleo found out she knew and tried to bribe her not to tell me but giving her your locket. I can't believe you guys?

Rikki stepped forward glaring at me. Cleo never cheated on you Lewis. She loves you. You should really talk to that psycho girlfriend of yours because yesterday she threatened Cleo to hurt her and the baby if so much as told you. You should ask her the real story of what happen. I thought you knew Cleo better than that. No wonder she ran away. Ran away. What do you mean she ran away. I yelled. Emma pulled Rikki back next to her?

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