Part 1

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Taehyung Pov
I woke up feeling excited. I'm getting a new patient today. Being a psychiatrist and hypnotist is fun I get to manipulate their mind and make them do whatever I please. I don't hurt them well physically but mentally it's just fun and I always manipulate them to come back. After a bit I got changed and went downstairs.

I went in the kitchen and made some eggs and bacon and I ate

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I went in the kitchen and made some eggs and bacon and I ate. After a bit I left and went to work. I went in my office and I sat down. After a while one of my regular patients came in.
Hi. He sat down and we talked for a while and he talked about his life and how he hates it.
I see how about this. I snapped my fingers and he became hypnotized.
Now what do I do with you. I got up and went to him.
Stand. He stood up almost immediately.
Now listen to me you are worthless but I still need you so you are going to go home and do something nice for yourself eat a cupcake or something ok
Luke:Yes sir
Good now go you will stop being hypnotized the moment you reach home. He left and I waited for my next patient. After a while 2 people came.

Oh Jimin why are you hereJimin:Well i think he would be a perfect patient for you maybe in a different way than the others

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Oh Jimin why are you here
Jimin:Well i think he would be a perfect patient for you maybe in a different way than the others

Oh Jimin why are you hereJimin:Well i think he would be a perfect patient for you maybe in a different way than the others

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Kook:Huh what do you mean different
Jimin: Just nvm
Oh my what's your name Angel
Kook:J.. Jungkook
Beautiful name you are different
You'll find out soon enough you can go Jimin
Jimin: Ok have fun
He left and we sat down.
So Jungkook huh
So tell me about yourself
Kook: What do you want to know
Well how old you are and what you like to do and stuff
Kook:Oh 22 and um I play overwatch and I draw and paint
Cute can you draw something for me
Kook:Like what
How about me
Kook:Y..You ok
I gave him a piece of paper and he drew and after a while he was done.
Kook:Do you like it
I took it and it was very detailed and it looked beautiful.
Wow you are really good
We talked for a while and after a bit he had to leave.
Bye cutie I'll see you next week right
He left and I put the drawing in with my papers.
He is so beautiful and cute he's going to be my toy but different. Idk what I'll do yet but I won't hurt him I can't hurt him. After a bit I went home excited about next week. 

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