1: Uncontrollably Emotions

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Sonica was lying down on the couch pressing her phone. She was having a headache because Rouge and Amy were fighting about make up.

Sonica was genuinely beautiful and didn't need make up to make her look pretty.

Just that Sonica was more of a Tom girl. Although she had all the girl features, she still didn't want anything to do with make up or beauty.

Sonica would wear sports bra of course because she wasn't planning on becoming a boy.

Yeah she had many boy friends but she wasn't into anyone of them. Her whole body and expression showed she was Lesbian. Although nobody would recognize her sexuality much.

They all thought of her a heterosexual person. Sonica would flirt with women and men so people started to think she was bisexual.

Of course she would never answer these questions. She was all about living life.

"SONIC!" Tails shouted trying to get Sonica's attention. You see, Sonica friends call her Sonic because she has the cockiness, strength and attitude like a boy.

Of course it's a nickname though. Mostly her boy friends call her that. Yeah! she blinked a few times to focus her vision on Tails.

"You okay? You seem to be wondering off in your own world," Tails asked his dearest friend if she was okay.

Everyone had turned to Sonica's and Tails' direction immediately when they heard Tail question Sonica of she was okay.

Of course Sonica was embarrassed by this but she decided to hide the fact she was.

"I-I'm fine..." Sonica stuttered. Everyone in the lounge was shocked. They couldn't believe Sonica had just stuttered.

Everyone in the lounge expect Sonica had the jaws hanging. No a single one of them could even speak.

Their eyes were widen open in shock. Sonica started to get even more embarrassed by her friends staring at her.

"Um... guys?" Sonica didn't leave a gaze off the ground. Now that her friends didn't respond, it made her feel horrible.

"Sonic! You sure you're okay?!" Amy asked worried that Sonica might be sick.

Sonica didn't answer Amy's question, instead she groaned in pain. "Ugh! I need to go take a rest. I'll talk to you guys later," and like that, Sonica went upstairs to her room.

Sure they were all at Tails' house but everyone had their own room with keys so no one would walk randomly into your room.

Tails has two houses. His workshop that he is normally hanging about with Sonica. And his house were all his friends have access to.

They have keys to the front and back door, and keys to their room. Sonica went up to her room and she felt terribly sick.

Her head was spinning. Mainly because she was hearing voices in her head.

As a child, Sonica has always been hearing voices and these voices sounded like and were her voice.

They weren't saying her to kill herself. Not all those types of voices but voices that were arguing with each other.

Sonica would always talk to them from time to time. Sonica would never tell her friends this but she has an emotion watch.

When she would get sad yet angry her quills would turn dark blue meaning she is sad and has anger mixed in with her sadness.

But when her quills goes black you better not mess with her. She isn't going to listen reason only when it happens.

That's just one though. We would be stuck her for every if I mentioned all of them!

But that's what Sonica was feeling right now. She was feeling sad and angry.

Maybe she's feeling sad because how embarrassed she got and maybe she was feeling angry because of all the arguments she has heard in one day.

Although they were only two arguments, the stuff that the arguments were about was pointless.

Sonica calls that emotion 'Dark'. Apparently, Dark and another voice has been arguing over who knows what and it's really annoying Sonica.

Sonica holding her head in pain trying to ignore it. She couldn't take it much longer. Her quills had turned dark blue.

Her pupils had vanished. Yep! When she is close to raging, her pupils vanishes.

"Oops! Heheh..." Dark was quite for a minute or so. Dark appeared were Sonica was.

"Ya feeling okay?" Dark gulped. "Do I look okay?" Sonica growled. "Because of you and ___ I couldn't even think straight! You too gave me a fucking headache!" Sonica's emotion watch was beeping and flashed a blue light.

Meaning she was sad. She sighed at this. "Just leave me alone.." she shoved her head in her pillow trying to calm herself down.

Sonica began to panic when she heard a knock at her door. She could think off what to do next, at all.

NEW STORY! Sorry I have finished the other ones! I actually only started writing this one today!

Oops! I forgot to day! MERRY CHRISTMAS WATTPAD!🌲⭐🎁 Although it was on my conversation page it still doesn't matter.

I'm sorry I didn't make a Christmas special. It's just that no one asked for one she I didn't bother myself to do one.

If you want me to make a Christmas special then comment here or my conversations page.

Please go check it out. It has some information about me and my life... but it also has story requests!

You can write which story you want and stuff like that! I also have a survey!

You can see all the things that I plan doing! So this is how it basically works! I have a list of Mha stories that are all bakudeku by the way!

And you have to comment if you want that story! Or one shot! If you want the story but it doesn't have something you want then you can also suggest for it as well.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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