maribels first day

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Maribel was waking up. It was ten years since her tio bruno went missing. It was 1 day before Antonio's gift ceremony. She headed down to the kitchen to see her mother. "Goodmorning mira!' Julieta said. "Breakfast will be done soon." She said. "Goodmorning mamá." Mirabel replied.  "Could you set the silver wear up mira?" Julieta asked. "Ok mamá." Mirabel replied. She grabbed the plates from the cabinet and set them on the table. She grabbed the spoons and forks and set placed them next to the plates and grabbed the cups and did the same. "Done!" Mirabel yelled to her mom. "Thanks I'm almost done just wait a little bit." Julieta yelled back. She walked around the casita while she waited. She noticed the basement door. She never liked going down there cause of what happened to her tio bruno. Dolores told her what happened to him when mira was six and how no one believed her but mira believed her but what she didnt like was how Dolores said the door had a M on it. She wondered If the little door was hers but then how would it exist if she didnt put the door knob in it. "Breakfast is ready!" Julieta shouted. Everyone went to go get there food. Everyone sat at the table. Dolores was staring at mira. She pretended not to notice. "I know tomorrow is very important to everyone." Abuela exclaimed. "And it will be a little hard for everyone." Mirabel fround as everyone looked at her then back at abuela. "And want everything to be perfect so after we're done eating I want everything set up for tomorrow ok." She said "ok." Everyone replied. After Mirabel was done eating she went to her room. Antonio followed her. "You ok Mirabel?" Antonio asked. "Yeah I'm fine." Mirabel replied. She sat on her bed and Antonio sat next to her. "Are you ok ?" Mira asked. "I'm nervous about tomorrow." Antonio replied. "What if I dont get a gift." "Then you'll be stuck with me forever!!" Mirabel said jokingly. "Antonio!" Pepa called from down stairs. "Seems like tia pepa wants you." Mirabel said. "I dont want to go I'm scared." Antonio muttered. "Why?" Mirabel asked. "Cause the other night I had a nightmare and I didnt want to wake you so I went to my mamá to sleep with her and I heard her and tia julieta in the kitchen and I heard mamá say stuff that would've hurt your feelings." Antonio replied. Mirabel fround and looked away for a second then back at Antonio. "What did they say?" Mirabel asked. "Mean stuff and I think abuela was their too and tio Augustin and papá." Antonio replied. "Hmm well you will probably get a gift." Mirabel said sadly. "What do you think it will be, do you think it will be shape shifting or strength like luisa and camilo." Antonio said excitedly. "I dont think you'll get the same gift as someone else." Mirabel replied. "ANTONIO!!" Pepa yelled agian. "Ok maybe you should go now." Mirabel said. Antonio hugged mirabel then left the room. Mirabel thought to herself what if he doesn't get a gift he'll get treated just the same as she did she still remembers when she didnt get a gift and so could everyone else probably she cried all that night but at least Dolores comforted her in the morning she liked their kinda unspoken bestfriendship well after that morning it was. Well what if he did get a gift he would just have to use it to help the town like all of the family does. Anytime she tries to help she gets told to stay out the way. She would want either for Antonio. There's a difference between helping and being at everyone's beck and call. She would be happy for Antonio and love him either way and hopefully everyone else would too. She remembers how Dolores and some of the family talks about bruno how he was kinda a outcast too. She wondered why he was taken after her gift ceremony and why no one else but her and Dolores believed him about the little door but if it was hers why did he find it before her and were was it. If she found it and found out her gift she could be like the rest of her family too but she wouldn't want to take away the attention from her cousin. She decided to check the basement since that were Dolores said it was. She snuck in when everyone wasn't looking since only the adults were aloud down there. She went down the stairs and looked around. It was dimly lit. It stuffed with old stuff like baby clothes and toys. She brought a candle with her. She checked all over the walls and moved almost everything. One wall left there was a big and old painting she couldn't really tell who are what was on it but it wasn't important right now. She moved the thing it was a little harder then she thought but she moved it she was kinda scared to look but when she did she was happy. It was there. She was a little hesitant to open it since Dolores said bruno was dragged in there. When she opened it there was a colorful tunnel with the colors orange, yellow,green,purple and teel. She crawled through it and when she did she was in the basement but it was lit up, decorated and kinda nice looking. She was confused Dolores made it seem like it would be full of monsters or something like that. She went up the stairs and when she opened the door julieta was there waiting. Mirabel got scared. "I- uh mom I wasnt-" before she could finish her sentence julieta spoke. "We're so happy to see you we've been waiting." She said then mirabel noticed everyone had buttons for eyes. "Were are your eyes?" Mirabel asked. "They're right here." Julieta replied pointing to her buttons. "How do see?" Mirabel asked. "The same way you do just not with glasses." The other julieta replied."I mean with buttons over your eyes." Mirabel replied. "These are our eyes." Julieta said pointing to her buttons. "Ok I guess." Mirabel replied. "Come on let's go upstairs your family is waiting." Julieta said. They went up the stairs. Opened the door and the rest of the family was waiting around the door. "Hola mira!" They all said. "Uhm hi." Mirabel said confused. She looked at the family that was just like hers but with buttons. Then she saw... no it couldn't be. "Tio bruno?" Mirabel asked. "Yes my little sobrina." Bruno replied. "You've been here all this time? I cant believe it's you, you have to come back with me so everyone knows your ok." Mirabel said. Bruno got a worried look for a second then went back to smiling. "That's a nice idea but stay here for a little while first ok." Julieta said. "O-ok." Mirabel replied. Music started playing and everyone was dancing. Agustin danced with mirabel. Then mirabel wanted to dance with bruno. "Tio bruno would you like to dance with me? We haven't seen each other in a long time." Mirabel said. "Ofcourse." Bruno replied. They danced together for a little bit. The mirabel got tired. "I getting  kinda tired." Mirabel said. "Ok let's head to bed then." Julieta replied. The all went in there doors and in there rooms. Mirabel notices a door that had her name on it. "Is that my door?" Mirabel asked. "Yes my little butterfly." She went in her room and it was cover with bright colors and it and everything was made out of fabric. She laid down in bed and julieta kissed her forehead as Mirabel fell asleep.

encanto coraline au [my version]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें