Who am I?

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          "Goodbye, my little Daydream... Stay safe," said the tall figure said as it spread out its large, glowing, white wings. 

??? POV:

          It was cold. The howling wind cut into my skin, my thin clothing did nothing against the bitter cold. Where was I? I don't recognize this place.  There was snow everywhere, little white flakes still falling from the sky. Well, that explained why I was cold. Wait... where am I? Am I back on the SMP? Why can't I remember anything about it? I'm sure he said that I treasured this place dearly...


          Someone's here. Maybe they can help me remember! No! What if they try to hurt me!? I snapped toward the direction of the voice.

          "DREAM! Why are you here!? What happened!? Everybody has been looking for you! Also, where's your mask!? What if someone sees your face!?"

          The man in front of me had pretty, pink, long hair, that was tied neatly into a braid that trailed down his back, reaching his lower waist. His eyes were a beautiful ruby-red, and his face was so perfect, it looked sculpted. He wore a white, puff-sleeve dress shirt that was tucked neatly under his gold belt and black pants. He was also wearing a pair of well-polished brown combat boots. A netherite sword was sheathed and clipped on his belt, while a netherite axe was strapped on his back. A red cape with a gold clasp trailed in the wind behind him. But none of those were what caught my attention. On his head rested a gold spire crown with a single ruby resting in the center.

          "Your crown, it looks familiar," I said. The man gave me a concerned look.

          "You GAVE it to me, Dream. Are you okay?"

          "Were you always so pale? I don't remember you looking like this, you seem almost transparent." Suddenly the man's face drained of all its color, his face almost as pale as mine. "Hey... Dream? Are you... dead?"

          I sat on a couch, bundled up in the man's large cape. A fire was burning brightly next to me, slowly I was starting to feel a bit warmer. The man himself was pacing anxiously in front of me, muttering to himself. 

          Trying to break the stiff silence, I tried to start a conversation. "Who are you?" I asked, giving him a quizzical look. The man stopped pacing and stared blankly at me. He slowly walked over and knelt in front of me, looking up at me sadly.

          "So you really don't remember me... I'm Technoblade Minecraft. But most people call me Techno. I'm your childhood friend, Dream, although it seems like you don't remember anymore. You gave me this crown when I turned 14, at that time you were 9." Although his voice was calm and steady, I could feel that he was sad.

          "I'm sorry I don't remember you Techno, but don't be sad! I'll try my best to remember you! You seem nice!" I tried to sound cheerful.

          Techno looked at me curiously, "How did you know I was sad, Dream?" 

          "I don't know. I just felt that you were sad! So don't be sad anymore! If you feel sad, you can talk to me! I'll listen to your problems!" Just then the door slammed open. A blonde man ran into the house, large gray feathers flying everywhere. 

          "WHERE IS HE!?" he demanded before spotting me.

Phil POV:

          I was out trying to find more totems of undying when one of my crows had flown up to me. It landed on my outstretched arm, showing me the note tied to its leg. "A letter? Thank you for bringing it to me!" I thanked the crow as I carefully removed the letter from its leg. After delivering the letter, it glided down to join the rest of the crows that had landed by my feet. A smile formed on my face as I watched my crows fight over a gold coin that had been found on the floor. Remembering the letter in my hand, I quickly untied the rope that was binding it and scanned the letter. 

          My eyes widened as I read the letter. 

          Phil, you have to come back now... I just found Dream alone in the snow. He was freezing to death. But that's the thing, I think he died. I could use your help right now. I've already brought him back to my house and he's warming up already. But, I think he lost all of his memories, similar to how Ghostbur lost his. However, he recognized my crown. Hope to see you soon.                                               


          The air roared around me as I lept into the sky with a powerful flap of my wings. Quickly I sped back to the Antarctic Kingdom, my crows unable to keep up with me. But at that moment that didn't matter, they would find me eventually. They always do. 

         Once Techno's house came into view, I quickly began to descend. I dived down, rocketing toward the snowy fields. At the last second, I threw my wings open, slowing to an abrupt stop. 

          "WHERE IS HE!?" I yelled as I slammed open the door. Then I saw him. He had retreated to the corner of the house, trembling with Techno's cape wrapped tightly around him. His face was unusually pale. His blonde hair still had unmelted snow clinging to it. His clothes were all torn up and dirty. His emerald eyes stared at me in fear. 

          Realizing that I was scaring him, I quickly folded my wings in, making myself look less intimidating. Slowly, I approached him, crouching down in front of him. "Hey Dream, how are you mate? Don't worry I won't hurt you. I'm Phil, Techno's dad. I took care of you a lot when you were little. You used to call me Dadza or just Phil." Techno used to have panic attacks before, and I used that experience to coax the trembling boy in front of me. I talked to him calmly, making sure he was comfortable with me.

          After a few minutes, the boy had calmed significantly and was staring up at me with his white glowing eyes. "What's up, mate?" I asked, realizing he wanted to say something.

          "Your wings, I remember them. You used to wrap me in them, didn't you?" he whispered.

          "Yes, Dream. You loved it when I would wrap you in my wings," I smiled, glad that he was remembering me.

Faded ||A DSMP Ghost Dream fanfic||Where stories live. Discover now