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A part of Calliope wondered why Midtown Tech even had sports program in the first place. It wasn't as if students came to the school to become a better sports player. and a lot of students didn't have the time or energy to balance being an athlete on top of their academics. If students were looking to get a scholarship for college, they were more likely trying to get it based on academics. Their measly records and losing streak on almost all their sports teams certainly didn't help matters.

But, Calliope had standing front row at almost every sports games since freshman year with a bright smile and giant ribbon in her high ponytail, cheering loudly alongside her squad and trying to not make her winces at every missed shot or goal too obvious.

That day's game was no different. After an absolutely miserable loss to the other team, the Midtown boys basketball team should feel discouraged and down in the dumps. Yet, as always, they had all the confidence and ego of an NBA team that had just won the championship game.

This was why Calliope thought that Cole decided that directly after the game was a good idea to attempt to hit on her. Emphasis on attempt.

While he was stereotypical high school asshole, Cole was cute. Even Calliope couldn't deny it. Someone on the cheerleading team had once commented that he looked like he had stepped off the screen of a CW show and even though Calliope thought that girl had extremely low standards when it came to both television and men, she couldn't help but admit that he was one of the more attractive guys at her high school.

As Calliope tried to quickly pack up her belongings in her sports bag, Cole stood in front of her and pretty much blocked her from moving away. "Great game, wasn't it?"

Calliope had flashes of Cole's several missed baskets and fumbled passes that game. "You tried your best, I'll say that."

"Well, I was playing for you, so hopefully you're proud."

Eyebrows furrowed together, Calliope's stomach turned over on itself. "Lovely. Thanks for that. You sure have a lot of confidence for a guy who's team just lost by over 50 points to another nerd school."

Cole blinked in surprise, but immediately bounced back to his normal, cocky self. "What are you doing after this? A bunch of us on the team are heading over to Bradley's for a party."

"Heading home, actually. Big Chemistry and Physics tests to study for."

"Shame we don't have Chemistry together. We could've studied together."

"We certainly don't, that's for sure."

Cole didn't seem to realize what Calliope was trying to imply and instead seemed to interpret it in the literal sense. "Yeah, I know we definitely don't have Chemistry because there was no way I wouldn't notice a girl like you in my class.

Through gritted teeth, Calliope managed to say in a mostly joking tone, "Y'know, I sometimes I wonder how you go to a school like Midtown Tech."

Fortunately for her, Cole once again didn't seem to entirely understand what she meant. But, he still managed finally to figure out that Calliope wasn't interested, and it was a failed cause. Waving awkwardly, Cole finally began to walk away from her and said, "I guess I'll see you in History tomorrow."

Calliope beamed and waved goodbye, completely unbothered by his annoyance.

With raised eyebrows, Penelope slid up beside Calliope and commented, "I think it's funny how you jokingly call me a bitch all the time, but you might secretly be as much of a bitch as I am."

"I only do this with guys I'm not interested in and won't leave me alone. Do you think I scared him off?"

"You scared him and probably the rest of the boys basketball team," Penelope muttered, and she rolled her eyes once more when she saw Calliope grin victoriously. "That isn't a good thing."

"You hate almost all the guys on the basketball team. I thought you'd be proud."

Penelope looked as if she was about to shoot back another retort, but went quiet when she realized that Calliope was right. "I simultaneously hate and love you," She eventually grumbled, and Calliope grinned brightly in response. "Wanna hang out tonight? I want to hate-watch Riverdale and eat an unhealthy amount of buttery popcorn as a coping mechanism for my Coding test today."

"I wasn't lying to Cole when I have to study. On top of that, I have my short film project due for my animation class on Friday and a huge Physics test that same day," Calliope groaned. "Can aliens attack the city again this Friday? Maybe cause some minor damage but get school canceled for the day?"

"My dad definitely doesn't want that, considering the last attack completely totaled his car."

"Poor Mr. Carlow...." Calliope giggled. "I think your mom was itching for a way to get rid of that car anyways. How's that petition to Tony Stark going?"

"It's likely somewhere in the trash. It's not like a mega-billionaire is going to listen to some random guy from Brooklyn who's pissed off about his car."

"Maybe you should be a little nicer to Peter Parker," Calliope teased, poking Penelope in the shoulder with the handle of one of her pompoms. "Convince him to talk to Tony Stark."

"I'd rather die in that alien attack than be nice to Peter. Never suggest that to me again."

Calliope looked up at the bright blue sky, as if she was expecting to see an alien spaceship poking through the clouds. "Don't put that out into the universe. It could honestly happen."

"Why did we get stuck in the city that seems to be the honing beacon for all these murderous extraterrestrial weirdos..." Penelope grumbled. "I'd like to see them attack Florida for once."

"Frankly, there should be some superheros living in Florida."

The rest of the evening was rather uneventful. The two took their separate trains back to their apartment buildings, and Calliope made a stop at the deli less than a block away from her home to pick up snacks to help power her through her hours of studying that awaited her. Eventually, late that night, it got to the point where she was sitting on her bed and telling herself "just five more minutes of Physics", then she would finally put down her assignments and try to get some sleep.

Then Calliope's window shattered.


hi guys !!

this chapter was a lil more of a filler chapter + set up...but calliope is such a Fun Gal nonetheless that it makes me excited to write any chapter w her HAHA

i hope you all enjoyed the chapter and have a lovely day !! i'll see you at the next update :))

- g

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