Favor returned

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I stormed out of the cab and ran to the building as fast as I could. I was already late for good 15 minutes. It's not exactly good first impression, especially if  you're a student who just got a job in a big company. What am I gonna say? Oh I'm sorry I'm late, some douche bag decided to steal my cab and that's why I am 20 minutes late on my first day. Yeah, no one's is going to fall for it.
I opened the front door and went inside. This  building was huge. When I walked inside everyone was either on their phones or running around the office like crazy. I looked around, this whole place was covered in glass, literally. You could see everything that was happening on the street. I started walking towards the elevator when out of nowhere someone bumped into me. She turned to me and apologised letting me get inside the elevator first. The girl had dark, black hair with some of the blue highlights.
-" what floor are you going to?"- she asked waiting for my answer to push the right button.
-" oh, 17"- I smiled at her.
-" it's your first day right?"
-" is it so obvious?"- I asked a little concerned.
-" not exactly, but it was pretty weird when you were staying in the hall looking around for like 5 minutes"- I laughed slightly.
-" yeah, it's pretty crazy here"
-" oh trust me, that was nothing"
-" I'm Morgan by the way"- I introduced myself stretching out my hand for her.
-"I'm Dylan, nice to meet you"- and with that I heard the elevator stopping on the floor 17. The door opened and when I was about to go out Dylan grabbed my arm and whispered.
-" just a little tip. Next time you're late, better bring some coffee for Jocelyn. Ironically that's the only thing the calms her down"- I gave her hand a little squeeze mouthing thank you and went to the office.
On my right there was a woman behind the desk typing something on her computer. That must be Jocelyn.
-" excuse me"- she didn't even looked up from the screen, but still answered me.
-" name?"
-" uhm Morgan Taylor. I'm here for a-"
-" the new one I know, last door on the left"- she pointed on the big glass door on the and of the corridor.
-" thanks"- she just frowned going back to her work. I guess not everyone here are nice. I walked in the direction she told me too and stopped in front of the entry. I knocked two times but didn't get any answer so I decided to just go inside.
-" you're late"- I heard a woman's voice from behind me and jumped a little turning around.
-" yes m'am. It was an accident, this guy he-"
-" I didn't ask for your explanations. Just don't be late next time and we'll be just fine"
-" of course ma'm"
-" alright take a seat"- she pointed on the chair opposite her desk. I sat down and put my hands on my lap nervously shaking my leg. She seemed to notice, but didn't really care.
-" so here's what you're going to do. Due to you still attending college you'll have a part time job. So I'm expecting you here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays."- I nodded and she continued.
-" I read your CV and I'm pretty impressed. So don't let me change my opinion about you"- I smiled a little and she looked at me with a serious grin.
-" fine here's where you're going to work"- I looked in the direction of one small desk in the corner next to the big shelf of files.
-" for now you're just an assistant. I need to see how you will cooperate with me, and how hard working you're actually are."
-" I promise Miss Grant I will try my hardest to be as much help as I can."- she looked at me hiding smiling forming on her face and gave me a nod.
-" great. Dismissed."- and with that she sent me to my desk.

I'm not going to lie. Today's work was pretty much boring. All I did was filling some files about firm politics and handing Miss Grant cups of coffees all the long. But it was still exciting. When the clocked showed 5pm I walked out of the office and headed to the elevator. I said goodbye to Jocelyn and went back down to the exit. I walked outside the building and saw a black car waiting right in front of it. I ignored it and started walking in the direction of the subway but after few seconds I realised the car was riding behind me really slow. I stopped and knocked on the window.
-" I'm sorry is there a problem?"- I said. The window opened and I saw the guy I would recognise everywhere. Dark locks, sunglasses and this annoying grin on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and kept walking faster. He was still following.
-" come on don't such a brat"- he said making me turn around to face him again.
-" excuse me? You listen to me. I almost lost my job before I even got it and it's most definitely your fault, so I would appreciate you staying away from me now."- of course he didn't listen.
-" I remember it differently. You were waving for a taxi but it obviously stopped near me so I just jumped in"- he said ignoring me still trying to walk away from him.
-" you're unbelievable"
-" alright come on, I don't want you to get cold"- is this guy for real?
-" thanks I'm good enough not to get in the car with a crappy stranger. What if you're a perv?"- he laughed me off and answered.
-" I'm Timothee. Now I'm not a stranger. And I can assure you I'm not a prev. Just hop in, it's actually cold outside."- I sighed and stopped walking. I indeed was cold, but was it a good idea to go with him? Fuck it. I went to open the door but he jumped out of the car and did it for me.
-" thanks"- i said climbing inside his car. He gave me a smile and closed the door behind me.
-" where to m'am?"- he asked with an awful mock British accent. I rolled my eyes.
-" I'm obviously not telling you my address so you can just drop me off by Rockefeller Center and I'll be good"- he nodded and started driving. There were like 2 minutes in complete silence, but it was extremely frustrating so I decided to speak to break it.
-" why are you even doing this and how did you know where I work?"
-" well I did take your drive today and I'm sorry, I don't behave like this normally so consider this a favor. In return because I feel bad."- I smiled at him. He looked at me in the mirror.
-" and I guessed you were working there cause Jocelyn is my friend. She told me there will be a new assistant today, and then when I talked to her and she was pissed of cause the girl was late. I kinda connected the dots, but it's still luck you know."
-" sure. And what do you do? Like your job"- he took a pause and answered.
-" im an actor"
-" oh I see"- we stopped at the lights and he looked at me.
-" seriously. That's why I was in such a rush yesterday. I was up for an audition."
-" what kind of audition was that?"
-" you'd be surprised."- he answered making me raise and eyebrow.
-" okay, just let me take you for a drink. I will answer all you're questions I promise."- laughed.
-" yeah right."
-" really. I know a place, it's great, you'll like it."- I looked at my watch. 5:27 pm. It was actually pretty early.
-" fine. Just one drink"
-" just on drink"- he smiled and when the light turned green he started driving again.

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