Venus drops down onto the floor quietly, creeping up to the door. She opened it slightly so she could hear what they were saying. Time was of the essence, but if they were really reaching an agreement, she'd like to know before she killed them.

Dick's confident voice was slightly wavering. "You don't want money, so what do you want?"

"We told you, we want Batman. So where the fuck is he?" One of the thugs growled, stalking closer to the duo.

"Listen, you idiotic piece of shit. Batman is gone. Probably in outer space or something," Jason drawled, the helmet deepening his voice. "And there isn't exactly cell service in space, so how about you settle for the next best thing?"

The thug just smirked widely as he loaded his gun. "Or how about we kill you? That ought to send a message to the big man."

Venus opened the door slightly more before turning away and jumping lightly back into the vent. That was all she needed to hear.

Another voice was heard as the sound of guns clicking entered the room. "What about the hostages, sir?"

"Give the men the word. We'll be sending a message to the old Bats; every time he doesn't answer our calls, more people die," Venus heard. Rolling her eyes, she reached for her empty tranquilizer gun and threw it onto the floor. A loud crack was heard as the force of her throw dented the tile. Venus quickly closed the vent and scrambled to the main room. It was go time.

"What the fuck was that?" Venus heard someone cry, though it was greatly muffled by the ceiling. She imagined them all turning towards the room, giving Dick and Jason the opportunity to strike. If they were smart enough to take that advantage.

She opened a new vent above the main room, pursing her lips at the twenty-five foot drop. Retrieving the gun on her side, she aimed carefully at the group of criminals. Jason already began shooting at them, though stopped when his gun was knocked out of his hands by a bigger guy. Dick was occupied too, dodging the strikes from a fast, agile man.

"Where'd they go?" One of the men cried, peering into the hostage room.

Venus cracked her neck and squinted, aiming for the man attacking Jason. She shot him clean in the head and effortlessly shot the man pursuing Dick. The men shouted in surprise, enraged. All hell broke loose.

She took a few more guys out; Venus made sure to kill the ones aiming their guns at the boys first. Her gun clicked, signifying that it was out of bullets. Exhaling, she jumped and landed gracefully in a roll. Grabbing an ancient looking metal rod from a nearby display, Venus joined the fight. She swung the rod like a baseball bat and smashed it into a guy's head, whistling as she hit another in the legs, breaking his knees.

Battle cries and agonizing screams filled the air, none of which belonged to the trio of heroes. Well, Venus likes to think what she's doing is heroic. She's saving people, isn't she? Another swing of the rod brought a man to his knees. It was the head guy; the one in charge of this whole charade. Venus grinned threateningly and brought the rod down on his head, crushing his skull. She frowned when the rod was curved, dented in the shape of his head. Casting it aside, Venus kicked the gun out of the hands of the man creeping behind her and threw him to the ground.

And then it was silent, save for Jason's dramatic claps which echoed throughout the large room. "We should do that again sometime."

"Let's hope this doesn't happen again," Dick clarified, stowing his staff onto his back.

Venus smiled madly at the two, the excitement of the fight flushing her cheeks. "You're welcome for saving you. I've noticed I tend to do all the work around here."

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