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Her Teeth, Her Smile, Her Freckles....

I stare at her from across the classroom. Without even trying to do it my mind wanders and points out every individual thing I think is perfect about her.

Her Long Butterfly Locs, Her Deep Brown Eyes....

Paying attention in class was hard when she sat right in front of my view to the board. Especially when she's so Goddamn pretty today.

Her Style, Her Piercings, Her Beauty Marks....

This last summer, she pierced her nose for the second time, then her lip. Her piercings made her look hard, but everything about her was the exact opposite. She Dresses more soft and indie than grunge or goth.

Her Body, Her Personality, Her Name....

To me, her name was one of the most beautiful things I've heard.

Naomi Chau.

It was a pretty name, fit for a pretty person such as herself. Naomi, Naomi, Naomi...The name I think of almost everyday. And Chau, it was a beautiful last name.

One I planned to have for myself one day.

My brain's wandering comes to an end when the bell rings. My last period is over which means school is over, finally. I get up, and so does she. I walk over to her as she walks another direction, and my mind finds one thing I hated about Naomi.

Jaiden Dean.

Well, I guess more of that I hated that she dates him, not Jaiden himself. I like Jaiden, really I do, he's pretty cool for a white guy, but with Naomi? He just isn't right for her.

Plus, Naomi Dean? You can't disagree with me.

Jaiden was common but also unique somehow, and I know that's what drew Naomi in.

He was common in a way. White boy, with black hair and a regular white boy haircut. He played sports, as most guys do. Football and baseball specifically, which was all the worse. He was only decent at schoolwork and had a history of bad relationships.

But, he was also different. He listened more than most guys, cared more. Buys flowers, gives compliments, and stays loyal. He might not be so smart, but he tries hard and it's obvious that he does. Plus, he has heterochromia (brown and blue), and I guess that's something unique that everyone wants and loves nowadays.

They're talking to each other when I walk up to them. "Naomi, Jaiden, Hey!", I Say. Naomi turns her body to me, and since she's standing by him now Jaiden puts his arm around her. This is torture.

"Cersi Woods! I feel like I don't talk to you much anymore. Wassup?," Jaiden says to me. It may sound weird, but sometimes my name doesn't sound right to me. Doesn't sound like the name I should answer to when it's called. But it's me, Cersi Woods, the sophomore at Applestone High in what feels like the smallest city of Louisiana. I guess I'm not used to it being respected this often. Well, at least it was better than another name I could be called.

"Did you guys get the notes for today? Gonna be honest, I was kind of out of it. Been pretty tired lately, heh." It was a half truth. I didn't get the notes because I was out of it, but it wasn't necessarily my sleepiness.

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