Chapter Three: What I feel

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My Emo Prince

              Chapter Three: What I feel

         Alorn stopped yelling at Tariq and looked across the hall to where I was crying. He ran up to me. "What happened!" He said putting a hand on back. I turned around and ran away.

          "Wait! WHAT HAPPENED!" He yelled after me as he was about to run after me. But then Molly giggled and he turned around to face her. "What... did... you... do to her!" He said as he turned red. "Like what does it matter to you!" She said with her little cheerleader voice. Alorn grabbed Molly and dragged her around a corner.

             The next day in homeroom Molly never came. I was a little worried because it seemed as though Alorn was a little over protective. The time went by super fast and next thing I knew the bell for lunch rang, and just before it did Molly came in, with a broken arm. "What happened?" Said Mr.Hogstien. "Oh nothing, I was helping my mom with the laundry and I fell down the stairs and broke my arm..." Molly said. I sighed, it seemed real but I still had a funny feeling about it.

              I walked into the lunch room with Nikki, we were just talking about Mr.Hogstien and his funny cloths and hair. I looked over to were Shadow, Midnight and Vixion were sitting, I didn't see Alorn or Tariq so I just kept following Nikki. I sat down beside Nikki with my lunch and we started talking again. But then Molly came up to us. "Hey, can I sit with you guys, my girls are being jerks!" She said with a little bit of a whine when she called her "girls" jerks. "Uhh.. sure... I guess..." Said one of NIkki's friends. It wasn't like we were going to say no to Molly.

              The bell rang for class and there still was no sign of Alorn or Tariq. As I started to walk to gym Vixion grabbed me by the shoulder. "Don't trust Molly, she didn't get into a fight with her friends, she's spying on you.." She said with a very beautiful voice. "Spying on me for what? Wait, how did you know what she said?" But she had already left the room with Shadow and Midnight.

               I walked into the gym, it was HUGE! It had a pool at one side, a basketball court, a volley-ball court, and almost every other court you could think of... but not a court court, that you get judged in... and it had a track ALL INSIDE! It was AMAZING! I ran into the women's change rooms and changed into my gym cloths. A black t-shirt with skulls on it, black short shorts and black sneakers. I looked like I just walked out of a horror movie... I sighed, I liked being goth and emo but for gym! Gym was usually were I wore a bit more of girly things. Oh well, I still looked really cute!

                I was one of the first people out. And I LOVED running so I went to the track and started running laps. After about 15 minutes everyone was out. We all did our own things but I was the only one on the track. I remembered when I was four and my Mom was running in the track all by herself and she was going so fast that she tripped and broke her neck. I snapped out of it to find Alorn wiping away some tears that came down my cheek while I was remembering what happened.

                "Are you ok?" He asked with much worry. "I...I... I'm fine." But as soon as I said that I remembered my mom saying that before she died and I burst into tears. I felt something cold wrapped around me. It was Alorn, he was hugging me. I put my head on his shoulder and let it all out. I let out all the sadness that I had kept in when my mom died, from when I said goodbye to my friends at my old school, I let out my anger at my dad when he laughed at how much money we got from moms death. And after about three minutes of the crying I stopped and looked at Alorn. The guy that had changed my life... my world... and I smiled. He smiled back and I knew... right then and there... that I loved him.

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