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𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 DECIDED TO ask the woman if she would like to go on the festival, not in a romantic way :) .

"Big sis, would you like to go on the festival with me and Emma?" He asked out of a sudden making her think for a moment

"I'm sorry Manjiro... Festival is a  crowded place, I can't risk getting caught by paparazzi again.." Raiden apologized to the young boy

She's currently staying at the Sano's household for today because Gramps isn't home so she  will be taking care of the two teenagers.

"Don't pout at big sis!! Mikey! You always makes her feel bad!" Emma scolded her older brother

"I do?!" Mikey asked in worried, he actually feel bad.

"Don't worry, It's okay!" Raiden chuckled as she cut the vegetables

"Oh, I thought I always make you feel bad.." Mikey sighed  in relief, She giggled as she place the vegetables and seasonings in the pot.

"Big sis, what season do you love the most?" Emma asked

"Me? probably winter." Raiden answered and smile at the memories with your brothers


"IT'S SNOWING!!"12 years old boy Ran shouts in happiness

"It is?!" Rindou asked and peek through the window of their mansion, Raiden sigh and walk towards them with scarf with her

"You two,don't go out without gloves and scarfs you know." She scold them slightly, the two boys didn't listen at the older female and ran outside without some clothes to keep them warm

"IDIOTS!!YOU NEVER LISTEN TO YOUR BIG SISTER!!" She shouter at them making the two boys giggle

Raiden opened the door and got hit by a snowball by Rindou

"Rindou? You little brat!!" She shouted and throw a snow at his direction, while Ran throw a snowball at her direction

"Tch, hurry up! I need to visit someone!" Raiden shouted at them and throw another snowball at their direction causing them to laugh because she can't hit them


The three of them arrived at the orphanage using her bike given by Shinichiro.

"Do you want to come inside with me or nah?" Raiden asked while they shook their head as a 'no'

𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑 - Haitani BrothersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant